Dissapointed with Eustace
Editor: I first voted in 1984 and did so for the New Democratic Party (NDP). In every election thereafter I voted for the NDP except in December 2005 when I abstained. I was moderately satisfied with the ULP administration’s performance and I was not convinced about the leadership qualities of Mr. Arnhim Eustace and the direction of the NDP.
I am now satisfied that Mr. Eustace is not Prime Ministerial material. His rank irresponsibility on “the Alex Lawrence matter”, his failure to rein in those who spew obvious lies and malice on his behalf on NICE Radio, his gratuitous attacks on Petro Caribe and Chavez of Venezuela, and his assault on everything progressive by the present administration, and his over-eagerness to overturn a huge verdict by the people delivered only 14 months ago, make Mr. Eustace and his lot entirely unacceptable to me. {{more}} If there were to be an election tomorrow, I would vote, with a clear conscience, Dr. Gonsalves and his ULP; and I would be doing so for the first time ever.
Let me conclude, what is for me a painful letter with some apt words from the poet John Dryden about a leader, the Duke of Buckingham, in the late 17th century England. They undoubtedly apply to Mr. Eustace:
“Stiff in opinions, always in the wrong;
Was everything by starts, and nothing long.
But in the course of one revolving moon,
Was chemist, fiddler, statesman and buffoon”.
Sincerely yours,
Josephine Anthony