Thank you Dr. Slater
Editor: Please permit me a space via your newspaper to say thank you for a job well done.
With great joy and pleasure, I would like to congratulate the honourable Dr. Douglas Slater, representative for the constituency of South Leeward and the ULP government on delivering on yet another election promise.{{more}}
Before the coming into power of the NDP regime in 1984, the Buccament Valley had two playing fields, producing national sportsmen and women and keeping the community together by the way of sports. By 1987 these playing fields were given to hand picked NDP supporters for the construction of homes and for seventeen years the people of the Buccament Valley had no sporting facilities. It’s no coincidence that within that time the crime level in the valley had risen drastically.
The former representative always promised to replace these playing fields but he never did. In the 2001 election campaign the ULP promised the people of the Buccament Valley a playing field if they won the election. Having won the election, they delivered within five years what the former representative and regime were unable to do in seventeen years.
Dr. Slater, the youths of the Valley are already enjoying the playing field and I can assure you and your government that this playing field will be well taken care of and utilized.
On behalf of the people of the Buccament Valley, I would like to say thank you.
Hyrone Johnson
RG30 6DX