Being relevant in a constantly changing world
Editor: As globalisation continues to affect our tiny nation, permit me to ask if our leaders see the need for the country to move to a knowledge-based economy. By this, I mean developing high levels of knowledge, competencies and skills.
Making such a strategic shift is not simple, but it will enhance our standard of living and economic competitiveness. This shift must start with quality education that gives students every opportunity possible to become educated citizens. {{more}}
Is our current system relevant?
Relevance refers to applicability of what is being taught by the system to the students and society as a whole.
Since the external environment is changing rapidly, this means that the curriculum must be responsive, future-driven and applicable at home and abroad. Is our education system even close to this? Does the education department have a vision to meet the challenges that globalisation will bring? There is a saying that, “Nine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time.” In meeting the education challenge, now is the time to learn from the best and implement what is best for the country.
The system needs to begin to set external standards to measure quality and monitor these systems, seeking out threats and opportunities wherever they are. Systems should not just be imported but rather programmes and practical concepts should be developed that are relevant to our Caribbean civilization. If an education model is imported it must be adjusted to fit the uniqueness of our culture and international standards.
Relevance is linked to information and we live in an information age. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in research so that we can be relevant in a constantly changing world. The world must be brought into the classroom setting so that quality learning can take place and students can do more that just pass a final exam. They should leave the classroom feeling empowered.
Glenroy George