Our Readers' Opinions
June 25, 2004

Maintain public phone booths

Editor: I write to relate an observation and a concern I have about the telephone cabins that are located in the upper part of Kingstown.
I speak with particular reference to four booths: the one located next to the taxi stand on South River Road, the two booths (joined) directly opposite the RBTT bank (located on the same road) and the single booth outside the Curriculum Development Unit office, which used to be the Grammar School Annex. {{more}}
While in that upper Kingstown area earlier this week, I had the unfortunate experience of discovering that none of the above-mentioned telephones are working.
I needed to make an urgent call and found it convenient to use a nearby booth, only to find myself moving from one (the one outside the annex first) to the others, without any success. It proved very unfortunate for me and I was especially upset when I noticed that at least two out of the four phones were damaged physically. I know we all know what that means.
I’m appealing to the public at large to desist from defacing the phones. They are there for our convenience but only if we take care of them. And in spite of the fact that the technicians may be only too familiar with the problem of phones being destroyed by the people themselves, I am humbly calling upon the relevant personnel to address this problem as soon as possible. As insignificant as they may seem, especially with the arrival and popularity of the cellular phones, the telephone booths still maintain their importance. Therefore, their worth must not be overlooked and or underestimated.

Anesia Richards