Getting too old, too young
It is commonplace to hear the sayings: You are as young as you feel, or age is just a number. These popular quotes often act as motivation against critics who often write off people, invariably, because of that inevitable advancement of age.
Take it for what they’re worth, the above sayings are loaded with meaning, fillips and advancements, despite the demotivators.
Therefore, kudos are that natural response to those who defy their age and find time to play sport.
Unfortunately, persons shy away from getting involved in sports because they bow to pressure from some pockets of the Vincentian society.
Hence, we often will hear, “ he or she time fuh done with that”; “wey, he/she playing, they think they young?”
For those who are immune to those comments, they play until they say no more.
It then begs the question, are there enough sporting events catering for persons 40 and above?
This column will readily respond in the negative.
Here in our beloved country, the only consistent discipline for over 40s is the annual Masters Cricket Competition, organised by the Selwyn Allen-led organisation.
Squash entered the fray recently and served off the BMC Agencies- sponsored Tournament.
In the case of Football, it has been a stop and start affair . Fortunately, the FC Sweaterz has filled the void by rekindling a Masters Football Competition that started last Sunday, March 16, 2025, at the Calliaqua Playing Field.
Hopefully, that organisation will persevere and consistently host a tournament.
Perusing the some of other disciplines, there is no organised Veterans or Masters Netball, Tennis, Table Tennis, or Track and Field Competitions.
The latter though is most glaring, as, whilst in the past there were events for veterans at road and track championships or races, there is that call for Track and Field to host a full- fledged Masters Track and Field Championships.
That call must be clarion, as Track and Field is among the cheapest amateur sports practised here.
Added, most of the persons who were part of St Vincent and the Grenadines’ Athletics landscape for the past two or three decades, have resigned themselves to being mere spectators.
Of significance too, we as country continue to grapple with the rise in the incidences of Non- Communicable Diseases.
An indictment to say the least, St Vincent and the Grenadines is listed among countries in the region that gives little focus to sporting events for Masters.
Yes, in the past a few Vincentians, on their own accord, ventured out to Masters Championships.
But it is the candid view of this column that should not have been, and more so, should not continue.
Neither should we continue having a veterans netball team competing among the youths, as they are often run over by those who have age, agility and speed in their favour.
Changing and reversing these anomalies and short comings is the task of the parent bodies of the respective disciplines, who should either take the lead or be supportive of organisations that are willing to administer and execute Masters/ Veterans Competitions.
Whoever takes up the mantle and runs with it, matters not, as getting the process done takes precedence.