Re-energise those Community Sports Groups
Change is undeniably inevitable. Things will forever evolve as nothing is stagnant. However, there are some happenings of the past that must not be thrown away in their entirety.
The same is with sports, as over the years, the community-based groups that served as the foundation for sporting developments have been disappearing.
The communities were the first outlets where sporting talents were spotted.
Those talents were further embellished as the community became the conduit and the training ground for sportsmen and sportswomen to showcase their God-given abilities.
Given the benefits we saw which accrued then, it cannot be far-fetched or impossible to return to what made us vibrant, and moreso, relatively successful in sports decades ago.
As such, when community sporting disciplines were strong, that mushroomed and transcended into the national sphere, thus, St Vincent and the Grenadines’ sporting prowess incremental grew.
Not that we must relive the past nor seek to mope and groan over what we have lost, but extract what was good to turn our current situation into some light of hope.
It goes without saying, that the homogeneity of the community sporting focus develops innate bonds that emerged from the bellies in these locales.
The units that are produced from the various spaces, bring about a certain level of commitment, alignment, and identity. Thus, community-grown and configured sporting units, have a ready-done support base; they are accountable and indebted for their own success or failure.
Their supporters are their fan base, their biggest critics, self- appointed coaches and first to go to in fund raising targets.
Notably, history is on the side of some communities here in St Vincent and the Grenadines that sports helped to take away from the social stigma that existed at the time.
Therefore, it is more than timely and instructive that we get back to some semblance of community, not only to re-energise sports, but knit back the torn, and in a few instances the shredded, social fabric that is thread bare.
Communities are kept in check as every individual is responsible to each other and by extension that communities they represent and serve.
This type of unscripted protocol is a production line for leaders and mentors among other personnel needed to buttress the values and symbolisms of communities.
Yes, as a nation, we have strayed from making that conscious and concerted effort to ensure that our sporting teams are community oriented.
But it is opportune at this juncture that we stop, re-evaluate, re-assess, and see where we have failed.
It may well be, with some high degree of certainty, that the panacea lies in the absence or neglect (albeit accidental) of that lack of community involvement and oneness to the cause.
So, the call is for us to start all over again; let the communities be the lead in the development of sports.
Relatedly, with the community organisations out front steering the course, the national associations, federations, and unions are to support the endeavours, tailoring their programmes, assistance, and other support towards solidifying the bases.
Yes, we have moved on in many respects, but what is best for the overall national development, namely sports, is what should matter.
St Vincent and the Grenadines is pregnant with willing, young people who have limitless enthusiasm, boundless energy, and abundant knowledge of modern operations and how to get things done.
The task is for those elders who remain to give them the history, and let them shape the new era of community sporting organization to fit into today’s real world.
They, young leaders, are living in exciting times; let them bring the new skills and blend them with the tried and tested ones, as we seek to better the existing landscape in our communities.