Campaigning for more physical engagements
On Target
March 7, 2025

Campaigning for more physical engagements

Are we aware that St Vincent and the Grenadines is one of the countries in the region that is lagging as it relates to engagements in physical activities?

Yes, this is the case, according to a World Health Organisation (WHO) document which revealed that St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) is off the mark in the recommendations for physical activity levels for health benefits.

Reports are that we are over 30 % in arrears. Whilst we welcome the little jolt, as revealed by the international health institution, an obvious gaping hole exists when it comes to a binding national undertaking in that area of physical well-being.

This column dare say that it is non-existent. What does prevail are bits and pieces of events that pass off for a structured approach towards ensuring that the population is in tune physically.

So, we have the regular sporting events, there are the gyms, pop-up fun walks, glow walks and runs, routine physical exertion by conscious choice and more so, recommendation by the health professionals.

These events do help in carving that pathway as a nation in meeting the number of activities our people ought to do, as we seek to have a healthier nation.

However, the need for that approach from a national standpoint can affect a change in culture and awareness of the importance of routine physical activities in our daily lives.

One was excited and hyped about two and half years ago, with the launch of Vincy Moves, which was set out to do just that.

Vincy Moves in principle, was about the creation of an inter- sectoral health and wellness initiative.

Among the core principles advanced then were the bringing together of the nation’s health districts, sports associations, fitness groupings, walking groups, gym operators, fitness instructors and enthusiasts, interested individuals and communities, in forging and sustaining movement for healthy living.

Noble and well meant, we have not seen constructive collaboration and sustainability that were advanced at the roll out of Vincy Moves.

Admittedly, no one expects perfection as things are not constant, and different desires and focus sometimes derail the intended objectives.

As it is now, that visibility must be rekindled whereby, we have that zeal from a policy framework that engenders within our psyche to be always mindful of the need for physical activities.

Those national guidelines would be bolstered and sustained by the various community, church, work groups, national sports associations, and others, as they make their contribution and have the missing elements injected.

Too often we react to situations rather than be proactive, which is the root cause for the stops and starts in keeping alive any national health prevention measures.

This column is 100% certain that should there be a spike in the number of non- communicable diseases (NCD), we will see that resurgence and move to promote physical health as a corrective measure towards the breakout.

Admittedly, Vincentians on a whole have adopted very unhealthy lifestyles, thus promoting the incidence of enabling the NCDs to grip and eventually cause our demise.

It is never too late to make that change, take the detour route and let us get a move on that desire to become more physically conditioned, for our good and that of St Vincent and the Grenadines as a whole.