Go after them early
On Target
January 10, 2025

Go after them early

There should always be that grab by national sporting associations/ unions and federations to get hold of their athletes at the earliest age possible.

Whilst this is a given in several countries, it seems not entrenched here in St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG).

As such, children get engaged in sports too late, thus, making it difficult to get the fundamentals and that affinity in their psyche.

Readily, one may point to the non- existence of an operational national sports policy. Yes, this has credence, however, it should not be the excuse for doing what we know is right and workable.

The fight is magnified for us as well as others around the world, given the fact that technology is taking over.

Apart from the actual sporting discipline, getting involved in sports helps them develop essential life skills during their formative years.

Sporting organizations have to wrestle with that beast, the digital age, that is inevitably with us and here to stay.

This, as children are easily attracted and become quickly glued to their screens, losing that desire to be active in outdoor physical activities.

The trend continues to impact negatively on participation in sports.

Maybe, just maybe, it gives rise to many of the challenges that emerge among the youth population, when those foundations are not constructed properly.

As a consequence, the task to get the rudiments of sports engrained in your people is multiplied many fold. And, there is the seemingly insurmountable hurdles as it relates to females getting into sports and staying for any appreciable length of time.

Unfortunately, though ,in St Vincent and the Grenadines, a debilitating factor is creeping in, whereby children are not being exposed to different sports.

The ignorance of parents, coupled with the selfishness of some coaches, force children to specialize too early.

Apart from developing extra skills, young athletes involve in cross training get to master their overall capacity, namely their endurance.

Relatedly, they develop sub-skills that complement all the disciplines they are pursuing. Additionally, when exposed to different sports during the pre-teen period, it allows for a choice when that athlete decides to specialize.

Of significance too, will be the effort for the respective disciplines to be the custodian of that athlete, once he/she reaches the point of making that definitive choice.

It is now left to the various national sporting organisations to devise long -term plans with a heavy emphasis on youth development. It must be iterated and goes without saying, that establishing a strong base in any sport is an asset. Assured, are years of involvement, growth and development and that deeper understanding of the basics and later on, the many intricacies.

Sports is more than a recreational activity; it teaches discipline, team work, time management, encourages healthy life styles, and is one of the fastest- growing money earners.

And, because of the multifaceted nature of sports, there are several opportunities that are dangling for our young people to pursue as alternative careers. But it all starts from the early introduction to sports.

As such, making sports that integral part of their upbringing, sportsmen and women are positioned to maximise their time and energies, achieving personal developmental goals, and ultimately bring glory to the disciplines, themselves, and to the country as a whole.