Policies, positions, personnel, politics, preventing progress
On Target
October 4, 2024

Policies, positions, personnel, politics, preventing progress

What more can we say about the present state of affairs relative to sports here in St Vincent and the Grenadines. Up front, it is not all bad, likewise it is not all good.

However, we are not where we ought to be in comparison to our regional neighbours, who comparatively, have similar structures, populations and the like.

Instead, they are looking at us in the rear view mirror, as the distance extends with each passing day.

Set aside the absence of a national sports culture, there is that general slighting and relegation of sports on the priority list of the average Vincentian. But the situation is compounded when at a wider national space, inclusive of the policy makers, the same energy is not exerted on sports. In short, we simply play sports, participate in competitions/ championships/ tournaments, go through the prerequisites, the protocols, then hope for the best.

Even before that phase, the nonchalant manner in which sports and physical education are viewed in the country, tells half of the truth.

At the genesis of the institutionalized retardation are matters of policies, positions, personnel and politics.

In no particular order, these are the menaces that have placed sports here in St Vincent and the Grenadines, in a place of strangulation.

And, this is a glaring occurrence, as the government of the day has for some time, dragged its feet on the appointment of a Coordinator of Physical Education and Sports.

Yes, someone has been filling the void, to the best of that person’s ability.

Had there been policies in place, that position would have been filled in the shortest possible time frame.

Again, it all boils down to the inherent disregard for the relevance of sports to national development.

The lack of policies leaves things to emerge and evolve, therefore, the end product is come what may.

As a consequence, with no evident and policy template, people often are thrust to occupy positions in sports that they are either not equipped for, or lack the innate passion to get things done in an efficacious manner.

Relatedly, the square pegs placed in round holes do little to uplift sports, but are remunerated in accordance to their positions. The continuum though, gets free rein as the personnel have no interest vested in sports, save and except to collect a salary and boost their resume. Vexingly, the problems are exacerbated by the political interferences and preferences.

It is no secret that the political directorate, past and present, has been one the biggest bug bears in the efforts to have sports on a sound footing. Almost inescapably, party politics has infiltrated sports, as the higher ups get engaged in appointments, invariably applying political affiliation, or nepotism, as the first yard stick.

As such, meritocracy goes through the window, thereby, allowing sports, like other sectors, to become a political football. It is obvious that for any progress to take place on the Vincentian sporting landscape, we have to rid ourselves of the blights and hindrances listed above.

Equally as critical, we have to cease with immediate effect, from seeing sports as recreation.

Let us be reminded that sports is a billion-dollar business, and one of the fastest growing sectors, whereby enormous amounts of money is raked in, through direct and indirect engagements.

Like every other country in this world, St Vincent and the Grenadines is blessed with sporting talents, but we fail to get the nexus, as we have failed to frame policies, have the right personnel in key positions, and allow politics be the “go-to” decision maker.

As a nation, we have to see the many- sided derivatives and benefits that accrue from sports.