Leaving no stone unturned
On Target
May 10, 2024

Leaving no stone unturned

As the Caribbean region prepares to host the biggest ICC Men’s T/20 Cricket Tournament from June 1 to 29, 2024, the possible threats of terrorism have emerged.

This is not to say that it had not been factored into all the astute planning, but some revelations over the past week, have heightened the focus.

The unearthing of a document that was circulated on social media in Barbados, that CARICOM, through its Implementation Agency for Crime and Security(IMPACS) had garnered information of a potential security threat to the tournament from Pro-Islamists, triggered the relevant authorities to respond publicly.

The threats seem to have emerged from North Pakistan, with Pro-Islamic State(IS) media sources launching campaigns that incite violence against sporting events.

These campaigns have included video messages from the IS-Khorasan (IS-K) group advocating attacks across various countries.

Cricket West Indies (CWI), and the International Cricket Council (ICC), the sport’s global governing body and custodians of the tournament, in a joint communiqué said that “robust security plans” have been put in place.

Likewise, Dr Keith Rowley, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago who is the current chairman of the CARICOM prime ministerial sub-committee on cricket, assured that the regional and international security apparatus was working to negate and minimize any security threats that could potentially disrupt the tournament.

Indeed, Cricket West Indies, the ICC and Rowley, were all swift in allaying fears and calming any jangling nerves of people in the region and beyond who would be part of the month-long extravaganza.

St Vincent and the Grenadines is among six Caribbean countries slated to host matches in the tournament. The others are Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, St Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda, as well as Barbados.

The Caribbean co-hosts the tournament with the USA, where three cities- New York, Florida and Texas, will stage matches.

It means now that all intelligence and other security agencies have to redouble their efforts to protect the population, inclusive of the droves of visitors in countries and at venues throughout the tournament.

One of the saving graces and mental ease for the Caribbean, will be the involvement of the USA, which possesses sophistication in intelligence, as well as anti- terrorism skills that the region is lacking.

However, this does not rule out possibilities as we saw just over two decades ago with the September 11, 2001, terrorists’ attacks that put the USA in a tailspin.

We in St Vincent and the Grenadines thus, have to pay attention to what is unfolding each day. It may require greater awareness from the local populace as protocols and bulletins may be forthcoming as the tournament draws nearer.

The schedule shows that on June 13, Bangladesh plays the Netherlands; Friday, June 14, South Africa comes up against Nepal; with Bangladesh taking on Nepal on Sunday, June 16,2024.

These Group D matches will be followed by two qualifying matches, starting Saturday, June 22, with the first place in Group C meeting the second place in Group B, and Monday, June 24, the winner of Group C, challenging the second place in Group D.

One cannot say with any assurance that St Vincent and the Grenadines may not be a targetted venue for a possible disruption by a terrorist group, as history will show that they strike randomly and strategically. Therefore, all systems must be working at 100 percent to ensure the safety of players, supporting staff, and spectators attending the matches here.

As a collective, the region is expected to heighten its security apparatus, and St Vincent and the Grenadines will be affected.

The realities are that such threats of attacks are now part and parcel of major events worldwide, whether meant to be executed or as a decoy.

Whatever, is the case, no stone must be left unturned as the Caribbean and the USA get their systems in gear to negate any disruptions that may be hatched.

Hopefully, everything will go unscathed and the tournament will proceed with little or no security uneasiness.

The ICC Men’s T/20 World is touted to be a big party, given the free- spirited nature of the Caribbean, as the visitors come to enjoy all the region has to offer.

The Caribbean is eagerly anticipating the twenty team tournament, as investment on infrastructure from the respective countries is high; hence, some immediate returns are much welcomed.