September 12, 2008



The family of the late Hubert Gilford Lyttle of Liberty Lodge

Sunrise: 2nd January, 1933
Sunset: 27th August, 2008

Wish to express their deep appreciation for all the comforting words, prayers, visits and other expressions of sympathy received from relatives and friends during their recent bereavement. Gone but not forgotten.

I’m sorry I had to leave you
My loved ones, oh so dear,
But, you see, my Savior called me.
His voice was very clear!
I know that your hearts are broken
Because I have gone away,
But when my Saviour called me,
I knew I could not stay.

I’m so sorry I had to leave you
My loved ones, oh so dear,
But, you see, my Saviour called me.
And now Iím resting here.
I’ve crossed on over to glory
And to you all I say,
Just stay in the hands of Jesus
And we’ll meet again someday.