CARICOM announces ministerial leads for strategic advocacy as it prepares for COP29
October 8, 2024

CARICOM announces ministerial leads for strategic advocacy as it prepares for COP29

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is preparing for the 29th Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP29), to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), scheduled to take place from November 11-22, 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan. The Secretariat said in a release that this pivotal event will see CARICOM Member States advocating for urgent climate action and robust financial commitments to address the unique vulnerabilities of Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

CARICOM’s approach to COP29 is anchored in the principles of limiting global warming to below 1.5°C, emphasising science-driven action and reinforcing the special circumstances of SIDS. It is a landmark year for financing as CARICOM seeks to secure a climate finance goal that guarantees access for SIDS to grant-based or concessional finance, especially for Adaptation and Loss and Damage respectively, through minimum allocation floors and highest levels of concessionality for SIDS.

In preparation for COP29, CARICOM said in its release that it will continue its advocacy at several key events, with coordinated messaging. To enhance the Region’s representation and coordination, the Region has identified Ministerial Champions for key negotiation areas:

Just Transition: Minister of Planning and Development, Trinidad and Tobago, Pennelope Beckles-Robinson;

Finance and the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG): Minister of Sustainable Development and Climate Change, Belize, Orlando Habet;
Global Stocktake: Minister of Climate Resilience, the Environment, and Renewable Energy, Grenada, Kerryne James; Markets: Minister of Spatial Planning and Environment, Suriname, Marciano Dasai; and Adaptation: Minister for the Environment, Rural Modernisation and Kalinago Upliftment, Dominica, Cozier Frederick.

A Ministerial Champion will also be identified for Loss and Damage, the CARICOM release added. These ministers will spearhead high-level political advocacy at the upcoming negotiations and engage in key bilateral meetings in the margins, to ensure CARICOM priorities are recognised and reflected in COP29 outcomes. At their Forty-Seventh Regular Meeting held from July 28-30, 2024, CARICOM Heads of Government reiterated the importance of unified advocacy and messaging in the annual climate negotiations, emphasising the urgency of climate action and a robust climate finance goal to meet the needs of SIDS. This is crucial as Member States of CARICOM repair the damage from Hurricane Beryl, whose record strength in June resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in damage at the start of the annual Atlantic hurricane season.

The Community is expected to have a strong presence at COP29, including Heads of Government, ministers, negotiators, youth delegates, and experts from the CARICOM Secretariat and other regional institutions.