Labourer pleads not guilty to property damage
From the Courts, News
September 27, 2024

Labourer pleads not guilty to property damage

A 40 year old labourer of Victoria Village pleaded not guilty when he appeared in court on Monday, September 23, 2024 to answer to the charge of damage to property. Ishmael Henry is alleged to have wilfully damaged a 4×4 aluminum glass window valued at EC$ $590.00 by striking it with a stone. The window is the property of a 40-year-old Labourer of Stubbs, the police said in a release. The offence was alleged to have been committed on September 8, 2024 in Stubbs. In their report, the Police said that Henry was arrested and charged on September 20, 2024,

He appeared at the Kingstown Magistrate Court on September 23, 2024, where he pleaded not guilty, and was granted bail in the sum of EC$2,500.00 with one surety. The matter was adjourned and transferred to the Calliaqua Magistrate Court for November 18, 2024. Henry also was ordered not to have any contact with the complainant, and to report to the Stubbs Police Station every Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.