Pinder aims to win pageant to pursue cosmetology studies
Alvina Pinder
September 20, 2024

Pinder aims to win pageant to pursue cosmetology studies

Drawing upon the analogy of a beautiful flower in a garden buffeted by strong winds, Alvina Pinder says her Miss SVG journey has served as a lesson in the significance of resilience and continual development.

“You know that there are going to be strong winds, so grow as much as you can so you can stand up to those winds,” the contestant said at a ‘meet and greet’ event at LaVue Hotel on Tuesday September 17, 2024 where SEARCHLIGHT spoke to five of the pageant’s six contestants.

Alvina Pinder, who is sponsored by Grenadine House, is one of the six contestants in the line up for the Miss SVG title which takes place on October 5, 2024.

Pinder told SEARCHLIGHT that she feels more confident and prepared for the pageant night.

It was last year that she decided to enter the pageant after being inspired by Jada Ross, the 2022 Miss SVG queen, who is now lending her support.

“She tells me, ‘Alvina, you can do this’, and I like that she does.”

At first, Pinder was hesitant about heading into the pageant; a few bad steps during her audition had dented her confidence.

However, the contestant explained that the beauty shows committee won’t always look for a perfect contestant, but would work with one that has potential.

She envisions establishing a career in cosmetology, driven by her passion for the field, and aims to attain financial stability.

Pinder currently operates a business account on Instagram to support her cosmetology ventures.

The Miss Grenadine House-sponsored contestant hopes to win the pageant to honour her family that comprises herself and her two sisters, all of whom were raised by their mother who, while being unable to afford luxuries, ensured that she met the essentials needs of her children.

“…I’m looking forward to the scholarship to study cosmetology.”