Kishore Shallow is NDP’s choice for North Leeward
(FROM LEFT) Dr Kishore Shallow; Dr Godwin Friday and Roland “Patel” Matthews
September 20, 2024

Kishore Shallow is NDP’s choice for North Leeward

The North Leeward Constituency Division of the New Democratic Party (NDP) has selected Kishore Shallow to carry the party’s fight for the North Leeward Constituency in the next general elections.

The NDP said in a release that Shallow’s deep roots in the community and his proven leadership in organizations at the regional level makes him the ideal candidate to bring proper representation to North Leeward.

The party quotes President of the NDP Godwin Friday as having said that ,”Kishore is a young man with a track record of leadership and overall excellence. We are happy that he has joined our team to represent North Leeward. His selection is a reflection of the NDP’s ongoing ability to attract quality candidates who are ready to deliver the change our country desperately needs. I now look forward to the ratification process by the party’s Central Committee for the candidates for North Leeward and Central Leeward, which will be done very soon”.

In expressing his enthusiasm about joining the NDP and for the opportunity to serve his community, Shallow is quoted as saying: “I am truly delighted to be part of the Dr. Friday-led NDP team. His unwavering dedication to uplifting the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines resonates deeply with my own. I look forward to bringing the representation that the people of North Leeward badly need. “Our country is at a critical juncture– it’s about the future we owe to our children, our families, and our communities, and we need a change of government to put us on that new and better path. Together, we can get it done”. Shallow was one of three individuals who put expressed an interest in contesting for the NDP, and the party in its release extended “heartfelt thanks to Mr. Etson Williams and Mr. Ronald Seaton, who both offered themselves to be the candidate”.

It said, “Their commitment and contributions are deeply appreciated by our team and we are grateful for their dedication to the future of North Leeward”. Once ratified, Shallow will replace longstanding NDP standard bearer, Roland “Patel” Mattews, who was defeated in the 2020 general elections by Carlos James of the Unity Labour Party.

The party in its release, also said that Matthews voiced his full support for Shallow stating, “Kishore is the right man to carry the mantle forward in

North Leeward. He has my full support and confidence. His vision and passion for the community will drive the kind of representation our people need, and I look forward to working with him to win the election”.

“We believe Dr. Shallow’s selection advances the NDP’s mission to provide effective leadership and governance for St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The NDP is building a winning team and there is room for all as we move forward to make our country better,” Matthews is quoted as saying. Shallow is the third new face named by the NDP to contest the next general elections, which also recently named candidates for Central Leeward and South Windward.