Ambassador of SVG to the USA expresses gratitude for Hurricane Beryl relief
Lou-Ann Gilchrist
September 20, 2024

Ambassador of SVG to the USA expresses gratitude for Hurricane Beryl relief

Ambassador of St Vincent and the Grenadines to the USA, Lou-Ann Gilchrist, has expressed gratitude to Vincentians in North America for their generous response to relief drives following the passage of hurricane Beryl on July 1, 2024.

In a letter of thanks on behalf of the SVG Embassy in the USA and Government and people of St Vincent and the Grenadines, Ambassador Gilchrist thanked those who contributed towards the “various shipments of donated items”, that were provided by individuals, families, communities, religious institutions, and various corporate entities.

“Please convey our deep and abiding gratitude to your networks.

You will be pleased to know that the rebuilding of homes, businesses and public buildings is proceeding apace. The Ministry of Education has outlined a programme to ensure continuity in the provision of educational services and to avoid learning loss among our youth. The other line ministries are managing the specific areas under their responsibility to ensure that all aspects of life and daily living return to normality as soon as possible. In short, in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, all are engaged in the process of restoring the situation to an acceptable level of comfort for the displaced and those who suffered damage and loss”, the letter addressed to her fellow Vincentians stated.

“As our country continues to rebuild and rebound from the last disaster and previous adverse events – health and weather – we remain mindful that the hurricane season is but halfway through, ending on November 30, 2024, and that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

National Weather Service has predicted above-normal hurricane activity in the Atlantic this year.

Fellow Vincentians, the risk of further damage is still with us, so we must continue to build resilience into our lives to try to mitigate damage and to ensure the survival of our people,” it added.

In closing Ambassador Gilchrist said: “ I reiterate our gratitude to you, friends in the Diaspora community, and trust that our country and our people will remain safe from further harm”.