Grenadians charged for illegal entry into SVG, reprimanded and ordered to leave
From the Courts, News
September 17, 2024

Grenadians charged for illegal entry into SVG, reprimanded and ordered to leave

Two Grenadians were reprimanded and discharged, then ordered to leave St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), after they illegally entered the state.

Kendell Blackman and Kamal McIntosh of Grenada appeared at the Serious Offences Court on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 where they pleaded guilty that on September 9, 2024, at Chateaubelair, they entered the state by boat and disembarked without the consent of am immigration officer. The men were also charged for knowingly and wilfully allowing themselves to be landed as prohibited immigrants.

The facts in the matter are that on the date in question, at around 9 a.m, while on duty at Chaeaubelair, members of the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force (RSVGPF) received a report of a stolen boat engine and boat parts. As a result, a search warrant was obtained to search the property in question. The warrant was stamped and signed by a Justice of the Peace.

On entering the said property, the search warrant was read to the owner who consented for the search to be done. There were two males standing in the porch. The officers identified themselves to the men and asked for their names, which they gave as Kendell Blackman and Kamal McIntosh of Grenada. The men were questioned on how they entered the state, to which they replied, by a big boat in Union Island.

They were then asked if they had cleared with the Immigration Authority and they replied, “No.” The officer contacted the Immigration Department, and both men were taken to the Central Police Station where they were handed over to Immigration personnel. On the following the day, McIntosh and Blackman were cautioned by two Immigration Officers.

The accused men said they arrived at Union Island from Carriacou on a speed boat, then took a big boat from Union Island to the mainland without clearing with Immigration officials. All ports of entry were checked and no records were found of the men’s entry into St Vincent. The offence was pointed out to them, and they were charged with two immigration offences.

After hearing the facts, Senior Magistrate, Colin John reprimanded and discharged the men, then made a removal order against them.