Friday urges people to get registered and vote in next general elections
Leader of the Opposition New Democratic Party (NDP), Dr Godwin Friday
September 13, 2024

Friday urges people to get registered and vote in next general elections

Persons who can vote in the next general elections are being encouraged to exercise their democratic right and cast their ballots.

Elections in St Vincent and the Grenadines are constitutionally due by 2025, and the Unity Labour Party (ULP) is aiming for a sixth straight win, while the New Democratic Party (NDP) is gunning to unseat the ruling party.

“All the people of the country, you have to go out and vote. You can’t leave it up to somebody else to do,” NDP leader, Dr Godwin Friday told listeners on Monday, September 9, 2024 on the party’s New Times programme on Nice Radio.

Friday said that talking and pushing his party’s message is not enough, as the only thing that would help the NDP is votes on election day.

“We are in this thing to win it, and to win it on behalf of them, but at the end of the day you only one have one vote….”

Friday said his party has a plan that will build a strong economy and will be fair to everyone, and the NDP has the people capable of winning the next general elections.

He noted that they have just selected educator, Conroy Huggins, to contest the Central Leeward seat and will soon choose their candidate for North Leeward to replace Roland “Patel” Matthews.

“We have people who are capable of winning the next general elections and people who are capable of governing once we form government which we will do following the elections,” Friday said.

He contended that the majority of people in the country want the NDP to lead and they should help push the party’s message.

“When the day comes to vote we want people to come out and vote for the New Democratic Party,” he urged adding that he is appealing particularly to young people who he thinks are disappointed with the government.

“Not just with the government, they are disappointed with politics in general and with politicians and the danger is they may blame me for Ralph’s faults and I keep saying don’t blame me for the failures of the ULP government” Friday said, adding that the NDP should be given the opportunity to prove itself.