Nine new radio amateurs gain Technician Class License
PARTICIPANT OF THE Technician Class amateur radio course getting some hands on experience. Photo by Don De Riggs
September 6, 2024

Nine new radio amateurs gain Technician Class License

AUGUST 30, 2024, was a happy day for the newest set of nine Ham radio operators in St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), having successfully completed a Technician Class amateur radio course.

The course participants included staff of the Teachers Co-operative Credit Union, and a staff member from the National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (NTRC).

The course included basic electricity; Ohms Law; antenna construction; amateur radio etiquette; and amateur radio allocations on the radio frequency (RF) spectrum among other study areas. During the practical session, the students made a delta loop for the 40 Meter band and while testing their new antenna, established contact with licensed operators in Barbados, St Thomas, St.Lucia and SVG.

Staff of the St Vincent Cooperative Credit Union were also engaged in the training as the leadership recognized the importance of having a reliable back up communications system, should the phone system and internet collapse following a natural or man made disaster.

Despite the fact that satellite communications is becoming the order of the day, it also has its limitations, as heavy cloud cover or airborne volcanic ash can block signals between satellites and terrestrial stations/operators.

To ensure that its staff is ready to handle any emergency, as the hurricane season reaches its peak, the credit union ordered and received a set of handheld radios to ensure that their key members can communicate with each other.

The management of the credit union is thankful to the Ministry of Finance for granting the waiver of import duties and VAT for the importation of amateur radio equipment.

SVG customs tariff laws under exemption 13 (b) allows licensed radio operators to import radio equipment duty free.

All nine candidates surpassed the 80 per cent pass mark, with two members of the credit union’s staff, Jozell Byron and Rohan Murray, scoring 100 percent.

The other successful participants who have earned a Technician Class Amateur Radio license are: Ronicia Douglas (NTRC); Roneisha Williams, Janelle Seales, Keshron King, Curtis Browne, Ivan Vaughn and Jave Martin, all from the teachers credit union.

The test was administered by invigilator, Marcellus Constance who is also the Technical Operations manager for the NTRC.

As the old saying in radio circles goes; “When all fails, amateur radio always saves the day. Instructor, Donald De Riggs – J88CD, said the practical training will continue over the next few months with simulations and other outdoor activities to further enhance their antenna construction skills and to test these antennas to see which designs yield the best results. Besides being a leisure time hobby, amateur radio, (ham radio) plays an important role in post-disaster scenarios when the phone system collapses.

Contributed by Donald De Riggs, Director, Youlou Radio Movement (YRM)