CWSA reminds customers not to let their guards down
September 3, 2024

CWSA reminds customers not to let their guards down

The Central Water and Sewerage Authority (CWSA), has issued a reminder to consumers to activate their emergency water storage plans given that the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane season is just at its mid-way point.

“… we are in the peak of the 2024 hurricane season, which is predicted to run from August to October, according to the Caribbean Climate Outlook Forum,” the utility entity pointed out.

“During this period, our water treatment plants and pipeline network may be adversely affected by mudflows and landslides caused by constant and heavy rainfall, resulting in unscheduled disruptions to your water supply.

“The CWSA is therefore advising all customers to activate their emergency water storage plans to minimize any inconvenience caused by an unscheduled water supply disruption while the CWSA’s operations and maintenance teams work to restore the service as quickly as possible.”

Customers residing in communities from Georgetown to Fancy who are supplied by the Perseverance, Sandy Bay, Owia and Fancy systems are specifically asked to take note. “Since the volcanic eruptions of 2021, these systems whose intakes are located on the slopes of the volcano, continue to be affected by occasional mudflows when there is heavy rainfall, resulting in supply disruptions,” the CWSA explained.

“The CWSA is working with its design and funding partners to solve this persistent challenge with construction works scheduled to commence before the end of the year.”

The Authority has indicated that is will keep the public updated through the general media platforms. It also has pointed out that its Customer Service Department can be contacted by telephone at 456-2946, or 494-0933 (WhatsApp), or via e-mail at to report instances of service disruptions.