SVG Gov’t reaffirms support of Venezuela
THE LOCAL EVENT was part of several solidarity activities held on Saturday throughout the world by entities that are condemning external interference in Venezuela’s electoral process.
August 20, 2024

SVG Gov’t reaffirms support of Venezuela

THE GOVERNMENT of St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) continues to throw its support behind the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and President, Nicolas Maduro, rejecting what it considers destabilizing efforts by “hegemonic forces” that seek to destabilize the South American country.

Persons held up placards on Saturday that echoed their opinions on the situation in Venezuela.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Frederick Stephenson expressed the government’s continued support on Saturday August 17, 2024 while speaking during an event which was held at the Venezuelan Embassy on Murray’s Road. The event was part of several solidarity activities held on Saturday locally and abroad by entities that are condemning what they say is external interference in Venezuela’s electoral process.

Minister Stephenson said the gathering was being held for peace in support of the people of Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution.

He noted that Venezuela held elections on Sunday, July 28, 2024 which saw Nicolas Maduro re-elected as president, but since then outside forces are seeking to discredit the results.

“On that occasion, St Vincent and the Grenadines commended the Venezuelan people for the peaceful and democratic manner in which they exercised their franchise, in accordance with their Constitution,” Stephenson said.

“We also congratulated President Nicolás Maduro Moros on his victory and re-election to the presidency for a third term.

“Regrettably, however, following the results of the elections, we have noted with grave concern destabilizing efforts afoot by some who are itching to intervene, contrary to international law, in the internal affairs of Venezuela and to discredit the results of the recently held elections and the will of the Venezuelan people.”

Stephenson said Venezuela is at a critical juncture in its history, as the government and people have been gradually making headway to address the challenges facing the country, including tackling the more than 900 unilateral coercive measures (sanctions).

“…nefarious forces with their esoteric imperialistic interests and agenda have sought to subvert the country’s advances…,” Stephenson stated, while noting that SVG is faithful to its commitment and adherence to the central tenets of International Law.

“…specifically, those sacrosanct principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter- respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, the right to self-determination, and non-intervention and non-interference in the internal affairs of other states…”. Stephenson added that the government is calling on countries and actors in the international community to fully respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Venezuela.

He said that SVG will not stand askance while the “rule book” of international law is being violated, nor will the government provide support to those who are intent on an unwarranted trampling on another country’s sovereignty and independence.

“Upholding International Law is an existential issue for us. It remains oxygen to our lungs and blood to our veins. It is our raison d’être. Our mere existence as a sovereign and independent nation state is owed to the sacrosanct international norms and principles founded in the United Nations Charter,” Stephenson pointed out, while denouncing the sanctions.

Saturday’s event also heard from the head of Venezuela’s Diplomatic Mission in SVG, Francisco Perez Santana, and Minister of Agriculture Saboto Caesar.