Twenty-two students awarded scholarships to study in Taiwan
Ambassador of the Republic of China on Taiwan to St Vincent and the Grenadines, Fiona Fan and Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves (centre), and government officials with students who were awarded scholarships to study in Taiwan.
August 16, 2024

Twenty-two students awarded scholarships to study in Taiwan

by Forrest Nichols

On Tuesday, August 13, 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Taiwan and Taiwan ICDF Scholarships Certificate Awarding Ceremony honoured 22 exceptional students with scholarships to pursue graduate and undergraduate studies in Taiwan. This programme, initiated in 2004 through a proposal by Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves and accepted by then President of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Chen Shui-bian, has grown from supporting just five students in its first year to benefiting 291 students over the past two decades.

In her welcoming remarks on Tuesday, Ambassador of the Republic of China on Taiwan to St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) Fiona Fan, said that, “The Taiwan scholarship programme is not just about academic excellence, it is a bridge that fosters deep-rooted bilateral exchanges and friendships between our peoples”, reaffirming Taiwan’s commitment to strengthening relations with SVG through this and other initiatives.

Ambassador Fan highlighted that the Government of Taiwan continues to support SVG by contributing to the Youth Employment Service (YES), and Supporting Education Training (SET), and on-site programmes. She emphasized that Taiwan’s partnership with St. Vincent and the Grenadines goes beyond scholarships, underscoring their commitment to the well-being and progress of SVG through Taiwan’s involvement in the construction of the new Modern Acute Care Hospital at Arnos Vale; the Island -State’s agriculture; infrastructural development; and recent Hurricane Beryl relief efforts.

Additionally, Ambassador Fan encouraged the students to embrace the opportunities to learn, grow, and contribute to the development of SVG upon their return, a sentiment echoed by Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves in his address.

The Prime Minister urged students to return to home after completing their studies, noting that many Taiwanese businesses try to retain them after graduation. While several graduates are currently working in Taiwan, he expressed hope that more students will choose to return, as there is significant work to be done back home.

The prime minister added, “One disappointment for me is that nearly 73 per cent of the recipients are females. I would have liked to see more males taking advantage of these opportunities”. He encouraged young men therefore, to apply next year, emphasizing the importance of balanced participation to avoid creating a societal issue where 70 per cent of university graduates are women. Relating this to his recent comments on declining birth rates, he noted that such trends can lead to women having fewer children. The 22 scholarship recipients, recognized for their academic excellence and potential are- Danielle Lewis, Kody James, Shernelle Browne, Laurie Hoyte, Jolesia Pope, Jehan Carr, Foreecia Nichols, Kaian Cuffy, Jamila Spence, Cledon Glynn, Lisa Sam, Andrew Hamilton, Mary-Ann Woods, Nakita Young, Alena Johnson, Duncan Bailey, Collete Johnson, Cathelia George, Oshborne Phillips, Nicketha Toney, Disel Cupid and Danielle Jackson. Their return to St. Vincent is highly anticipated, as they will play a crucial role in contributing to the country’s future development.