Facebook post claims ‘Pests at grocery supplier’
July 26, 2024

Facebook post claims ‘Pests at grocery supplier’

A POST CIRCULATING on Facebook has alerted customers of a business in Middle Street, Kingstown, that is owned by a married couple about alleged poor working conditions and unhealthy practices.

According to the post, the business food bagging facilities are poor, with baggers having to stand on crates to prevent rats from running on their feet. Furthermore, garbage storage is also poor, with strong smells and poor ventilation.

It went on to say that a sack of milk bagged and placed on shelves, had been exposed to rats and persons who had purchased milk from the facility were asked to discard it.

In the post it was also alleged that workers were fired on Saturday, July 20th, one for refusing to go to a named fast food outlet to get lunch for one of the owners, and the other for allegedly disrespecting her.

The post, shared on Monday, July 22, 2024 also claimed that the fired worker was paid $1000 for her services, and that other workers are being paid below the minimum wage but are afraid to speak out of fear of losing their jobs.

The Labour Department and the Health authorities were urged in the post to visit the business to investigate.

On Tuesday, July 23,2024, the owners refuted the allegations made in the social media post. They told SEARCHLIGHT that the claims were a fabrication made by the former employee who is disgruntled.

They, however, admitted to paying the worker the money owed and firing her because she was disrespectful. The owners emphasised that there is no documented history of illnesses or customer complaints related to the products sold at the store. They also dispute the allegations of rat infestation, and said waste disposal is managed internally using a company-owned truck as there is no formal garbage collection services in that vicinity.