Man who had sex with drinking buddy’s girlfriend sentenced to prison for manslaughter
From the Courts, News
July 19, 2024

Man who had sex with drinking buddy’s girlfriend sentenced to prison for manslaughter

A DEADLY ALTERCATION between two men, after one was caught having sex with the other’s girlfriend, has led to the ‘outside man’ being sentenced for manslaughter.

Delroy Quashie appeared at the High Court before Justice Brian Cottle on June 28, 2024, where he was sentenced to prison for manslaughter.

Quashie pleaded not guilty that on August 22, 2021, with malice aforethought, he caused the death of Shon Browne by an unlawful act. However, when the accused offered to plea guilty for manslaughter, the Crown accepted his plea.

The facts in the matter are that Browne and his girlfriend lived together at his home at Diamond. On the date in question, Quashie visited Browne’s home where they both consumed alcohol. After some time, Browne left home and headed to the store. He returned and met Quashie and his girlfriend having sexual intercourse on his bed. An altercation broke out and Browne struck his girlfriend.

Quashie told Browne to behave himself, but Browne continued to attack his girlfriend. Quashie then stabbed Browne in his chest and he died at the scene of the altercation. Quashie pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the basis of provocation.

Quashie, 49 years old at the time of the offence, has several convictions, and previously served time for sexual offences.

The maximum sentence for manslaughter is life imprisonment. Justice Cottle said that Browne tried to strike Quashie with a stick, then he went for a cutlass, so there was an element of provocation.

He also said that Quashie’s behaviour was as a result of Browne’s actions. Taking these conclusions into consideration, the judge began the sentencing at 15 years. Aggravating of the offence was that the prisoner chose to have sex on Browne’s bed, while knowing that Browne could have returned at any time.

Mitigating of the offence was that Quashie acted to protect Browne’s girlfriend from him. Aggravating of the offender was that Quashie had a previous conviction for rape of a girl who was under the age of 13, when he was on bail.

Mitigating of Quashie’s was his guilty plea, for which he received a one third discount. Quashie had spent one year eight months and 10 days on remand and therefore had a remainder of eight years, one month and 20 days from the date of his sentencing The court also considered Quashie’s age, and that he was already serving more than one sentences. In light of this, the court reduced the remaining sentence to five years in prison.