PM announces concessions to aid recovery efforts
Front Page, News
July 5, 2024

PM announces concessions to aid recovery efforts

Prime Minister, Dr Ralph Gonsalves has made a number of updates about the relief and rebuilding effort for parts of mainland St Vincent as well as the Grenadine islands which were affected by Hurricane Beryl.

He spoke to the nation on Thursday, July 4, three days after the category four system lashed southern portion of mainland and severely damaged infrastructure on Mayreau, Canouan and Union Island.

Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves yesterday, July 4, 2024, announced the following concessions to aid in the recovery effort following the passage of Hurricane Beryl on July 1, 2024:

  •  Government has chartered the Jaden Sun Fast Ferry for “rolling program of transportation” between mainland, Mayreau, Canouan and Union Island. Mondays to Friday the vessel will go to Union Island; two days a week to Mayreau and three days to Canouan. 
  •  Duty-free concessions will be offered on barrels, backdated from July 1 to December 31, 2024 
  •  There will be duty-free waivers on all relief supplies coming into the country 
  •  No private accommodation available for displaced persons from the Southern Grenadines. They are being placed in shelters and the government has put aside a “significant sum” for food. 
  •  Eleven members of the Regional Security System (RSS) went down to Union Island on July 4 to assist with security 
  •  A field hospital is to be set up coordinated by Ministry of Health and the National Emergency Management Office (NEMO) with space for forty beds
  •  150 portable toilets are to be ordered for the Southern Grenadines; tarpaulins have been distributed sent and efforts are underway to transport water 
  •  Roads, Buildings & General Services Authority (BRAGSA) will travel to Southern Grenadines to commence clean-up work
  •  It is estimated that in excess of 4,000 people in the Southern Grenadines are without proper housing 
  •  The Ministry of Finance will discuss with commercial banks for loan deferment for persons in Southern Grenadines with mortgages 
  •  $15 million is to be taken from the Contingency Fund to commence the rebuilding effort