PR Campbell deserves a full length biography – PM Gonsalves
PR Campbell
June 21, 2024

PR Campbell deserves a full length biography – PM Gonsalves

One of this country’s former Attorneys General had the potential to become Chief Justice of the OECS Supreme Court. This view was expressed on Wednesday, by Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves, as he spoke about the late Parnel ‘PR’ Campbell.

Campbell, a lawyer by profession, served St Vincent and the Grenadines as Attorney General during the years 1985-1987 as a Senator, and also from 1987 to 1995 as an elected member of Parliament.

Dr Gonsalves made glowing comments about the former lawyer/politician when he spoke on NBC Radio’s Face to Face programme on Wednesday morning, June 19, 2024.

Campbell, who died in April, 2021, is featured in a recent publication called Legendary Caribbean Legal Practitioners.

Speaking about the feature on Campbell, which was written by Vincentian lawyer/politician Luke Browne, Dr Gonsalves said the article sketches the life and career of PR Campbell.

“Parnel has done such phenomenal work that I think he deserves a full length biography,” the Prime Minister commented.

He added that this biography should capture Campbell’s political work, his legal work, his work as Attorney General and his work in religion, particularly as a leader of the Spiritual Baptist faith.

On Wednesday, Dr Gonsalves remembered Campbell as “a man of immense achievements,” and one who had amazing strengths and possibilities.

“If PR had decided to just stick to law from the beginning, he would have been either a distinguished professor at a University of Law, or if he had decided to go on the bench, I believe he would have become Chief Justice of the OECS,” Dr Gonsalves expressed.

“He was of that quality.”

The Prime Minister said he is pleased with the tribute paid to Campbell in the publication. Campbell, who was a Queen’s Counsel, also served as Area Representative for the constituency of Central Kingstown under the New Democratic Party (NDP) administration.