Bequia Police Youth Club hosts public speaking competition
Prize place winner Aiden Dennie
June 7, 2024

Bequia Police Youth Club hosts public speaking competition

The Port Elizabeth chapter of the Bequia police youth club hosted an in-house public speaking competition at the Anglican Primary School on the Northern Grenadine Island on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

The police said in a release that the competition was divided into three segments.

In the first round, the participants spoke on the given topic, “Can we normalize childhood, please?”

In the second round, they spoke on a topic of their choice, and in the final round, they had to deliver an impromptu speech.

The competition was keenly contested, but in the end, Aiden Dennie was adjudged the overall winner, with Azarra Gordon and Kafiya Simmons placing second and third, respectively.

Isis Hutchins won the impromptu speech category, while Azarra Gordon was best in the category of chosen speech, and Aiden Dennie won the best given topic.

The release added that the competition was fully supported by members of the Bequia community, who donated several valuable prizes to the winners as follows:

1st place: one Samsung Galaxy Tablet, one trophy, and EC$50.00; 2nd place: one Chromebook, one trophy, and EC$40.00; and 3rd place: one notepad, one trophy, and EC$30.00. For best impromptu speech the prize was an allowance at Jack’s Bar and Restaurant; for best chosen speech: dinner for two at the Plantation Hotel; for best given speech, the prize was lunch for two at Spring Hotel.

The Bequia police youth club has expressed profound gratitude to the participants, their parents, and all the individuals and entities who sponsored the competition and made it a resounding success. The National co-ordinator of police youth clubs, Sgt. Stephen Billy who attended the event remarked that,“The competition brought out the best in the children”. “This is one of the ways in which the police youth club is nurturing the minds of the young people of our nation. We have to constantly engage them and encourage them to be model citizens.”