SVG hosts CARICOM continuing National CSME consultations
(FROM Left) Bernard Black - Senior Project Officer EIID Directorate, Gladys Young - Assistant General Counsel, Wanya Illes - Deputy Programme Manager CSME Barbados, Senator Keisal Peters - Minster of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Dr Ralph Gonsalves - Prime Minister and Leo Peville - Director of CSME
June 4, 2024

SVG hosts CARICOM continuing National CSME consultations

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat began another series of consultations on Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME)E implementation arrangements yesterday June 3, 2024 in St. Vincent and the Grenadines(SVG). These sessions, which will end on June 5, 2024, are being conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of SVG.

According to a CARICOM release, the Secretariat delegation, led by Leo Preville, director, CARICOM Single Market, met on June 3, with Prime Minister, Dr Ralph Gonsalves, and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Keisal Peters at the Office of the Prime Minister

The delegation is also slated to meet with the Cabinet; the Parliamentary Opposition; ministries; departments and agencies responsible for CSME matters and other key stakeholders. These consultations provide an opportunity to assess the arrangements in place to support implementation of the CSME, gain insight into the constraints limiting implementation, and engage stakeholders in identifying possible solutions. This inclusive approach involving critical State and non-state actors is critical to the engagement, the CARICOM release added.

National consultations are scheduled for other CARICOM Member States participating in the CSME including St. Kitts and Nevis. In April, similar interventions and engagements were conducted in Saint Lucia.

The mission is being carried out with the assistance of the 11th European Development Fund, Strengthening the Framework of CARICOM Integration and Cooperation Process (SFCICP).