Sandy Bay man bonded for threatening his friend
Raphael Lavia
May 31, 2024

Sandy Bay man bonded for threatening his friend

A Sandy Bay man was bonded for threatening his friend by telling him, “Me ah put you down like your f-ing daddy”; and was reprimanded and discharged for using indecent language towards his friend.

Raphael Lavia, 31 appeared at the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court before Senior Magistrate, Tammika McKenzie on May 28, 2024 where he pleaded guilty that on July 23, 2023 at Sandy Bay he used indecent and threatening language to Decoba Hoyte of Sandy Bay.

The facts are that Hoyte and Lavia know each other very well; they were friends. On the date in question, Hoyte was in Middle Street, Sandy Bay talking to some friends.

Lavia, who was in the area, approached Hoyte and said, “ You stinking m#$%c@#$, I’m gonna put you down like your daddy, ‘member me tell you that.”

Hoyte replied, “Ah me you really ah talk to?” Lavia, then walked up to Hoyte, put his hand in Hoyte’s face and said, “Me ah tell you to your face. Me ah put you down like your f- daddy”.

Hoyte tried to record Lavia but he walked away. Hoyte claimed he was fearful for his life mainly because his father was shot and killed. Lavia left the area and returned later the same day.

Lavia approached Hoyte again and said, “You stinking m$#@c@#$, you done run gone ah station. Just remember now ah night”.

Hoyte did not respond to Lavia. Instead, he reported the matter at the Sandy Bay Police Station. Lavia was later located and was informed of the matter that was being investigated. He was cautioned, but he did not give a statement. Lavia was later charged in relation to the two matters. Senior Magistrate Mckenzie said that Lavia was previously convicted for wounding, assault causing actual bodily harm, and an ammunition charge.

In mitigation, Lavia’s defence counsel, Grant Connell told the court that Lavia is a father of two minors. He had no previous similar convictions; expressed great remorse for his actions; and he pleaded guilty instead of wasting the court’s time. Lavia then apologised to Hoyte for using indecent and threatening language towards him.

Mckenzie addressed Lavia and warned him that as a man thinks, so is he. She told him, “You start to think you going put him down like your daddy,” and he might actually end up doing it. After considering the sentencing guidelines as well as mitigation that was presented by Counsel Grant, the Senior Magistrate placed Lavia on a bond for one year in the sum of $1,000. He was reprimanded and discharged for using indecent language.