Fifteen days left to hand in illegal weapons and ammo in amnesty programme
May 17, 2024

Fifteen days left to hand in illegal weapons and ammo in amnesty programme

With 15 days left to the end of the national firearm amnesty programme (NFA2024), the Royal Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force (RSVGPF) has issued a reminder to the public to hand in their illegal weapons and ammunition. In a release, the police said up to May 16, 2024, the public had handed in over 13 firearms and 291 rounds of ammunition. The release reminded that this initiative, which began on March 1, 2024, and will conclude on May 31, 2024, “is a critical step in our efforts to reduce the proliferation of illegal firearms in our country”.

With only 15 days left in the amnesty programme, “we urge all citizens to take this opportunity seriously and contribute to making Saint Vincent and the Grenadines a safer place for everyone”.

The recent amendments to the Firearm Act have reinforced a stringent stance against illegal firearms. The seriousness of this initiative cannot be overstated, the release also states. With reference to the guns and ammunition surrendered, the police said “we commend these efforts and encourage more participation as the deadline approaches. We appeal to all residents to encourage those in possession of illegal firearms and ammunition to hand them over”. Firearms can be surrendered at the nearest police station or to designated community leaders, including ministers of religion, justices of the peace, parliamentarians, lawyers, or authorized firearms dealers. “This is a unique opportunity to turn in illegal firearms without fear of prosecution and to help foster a more peaceful environment for our citizens and visitors. Let’s work together to ensure the safety and security of our beautiful nation. Your cooperation is crucial in making Saint Vincent and the Grenadines a safer place”. The police are spreading the message about the amnesty, and issues of crime and violence in a series of engagements with various communities across the state.