PSCS – a 35 year journey of faith and perseverance
The Start:
It was May 1, 1989, that Camille Crichton, not yet 30, took the decision to step into a new endeavour by starting her own business. As she recounts the route there, she is liberal with praise to God and her faith in Him, as well as the push and support of trusted friends. At that time she was working as Administrative Secretary with a Chartered Accounts Firm and doing free secretarial work for individuals who requested her help.
In 1989 as well, Camille had the opportunity to do further studies abroad and while away, questioned, “Are you going back to the same position?” She had been with that employer for nine years. “I realized that I was not in the accounting field and my boss then told me that his admin secretaries- they’re not allowing them to do accounting. So, there was no room for upward mobility then because I would have to change fields”, Camille explains. She knew she wanted to venture into a business that provided typing and other secretarial services to the public but had not quite fleshed out how. However, one day a friend called to say, “Camille you always say that you want to open your own business. There is a small vacant space in the Blue Caribbean Building, why don’t you check it out?” Her response was, okay, “but didn’t bother because I wasn’t sure. There was no business of a similar nature here. It wasn’t planned that it was going to happen at that time”. The friend persisted, called to inquire about the space in March of that year, and a decision was made that business would commence in April, 1989. But it did not happen that month. One of the areas of uncertainty was absence of a frame of reference; there was no similar business operating in St Vincent and the Grenadine, so she had to travel to Barbados to scout the field and ascertain whether such a business could be profitable. Armed with information from two entities that offered slightly similar services, Camille moved to get her business plan which she took to a named bank. The general manager took a look at the document and said, “Well, Miss Crichton, it’s a very good proposal however, the bank cannot take the risk at this time”. She left feeling “very dejected”. The response was the same at other banks.
Camille Crichton, Founder and Managing Director of Professional Secretarial and Consultancy Services (PSCS)
Door opens:
Enter another friend who recommended that she approach the National Development Foundation, headed then by Castine Quashie. The proposal was taken there.
“It’s like they were looking for an opportunity to support- to also get NDF off the ground. He himself contacted me. He said ‘Miss Crichton I call you with good news, your loan was approved’. I said ‘thank you Jesus so many times’”.
Later she concluded that the response of the banks was probably because they too had no frame of reference for such a business.
In the meantime, the landlord had decided to reserve the space in the Blue Caribbean Building at no charge as she got the business off the ground. But, there were other hurdles. Now, she would have a loan to repay and domestic responsibilities to meet without a job, as the intention was to resign from the accounting firm and obtain part-time employment elsewhere.
“I went to my boss at the time, Peter Alexander, and I told him I was leaving and going to get a part time job. I was pleasantly surprised when he said to me ‘Camille, you don’t need to go anywhere to look for a part-time job, you could stay here and you will work from 8-12 at your same salary’, and that is exactly what happened.” Her response? More praise to God, and a certainty that she was heading in the right direction. Professional Secretarial Services was launched on May 1, 1989 with a single full-time employee, Bridget John, and a boss who was still employed part-time elsewhere. In October, Camille gave notice that she would not stay beyond December. At departure, and shy by a few months of qualifying for certain benefits, Alexander nevertheless ensured that Camille left with those benefits which “was such a blessing”.
First Services and
Professional Secretarial Services (PSS) with a single full-time employee and a full-time boss, offered a limited range of services- typing, photocopying and fax services. As people inquired whether other services were offered, Camille realized there was a need and would add those services. It was the right time for such a business, she says, as computers were being introduced into the work place, and financial institutions had begun to request typed documents from clients. Within a year, she had outgrown the small space in the Blue Caribbean Building- as a tenant there and PSS client had predicted.
The business moved to the Hughes and Cummings building in 1990, and tutoring in the skill of typing was added.
“When I started teaching people to type I realized it’s not just typing they needed to know. I started adding basic English to it, not knowing that I was going to further develop people,” which is one of her passions. “I love to see people grow,” and unknowingly “was preparing myself for growth.” The teaching aspect of the business over time, developed into a full institute that prepares people for the world of work. What started as Professional Secretarial Services (PSS),morphed and in 2009 was registered as Professional Secretarial and Consultancy Services (PSCS). “As we improved and increased our services we had to change the name to reflect the new reality. Consultancy covers what it is we never did before. So, for example- outsourcing of services comes under consultancy, organizing workshops, conducting focus groups, training, temporary and permanent placements,[accommodating] people who come into St Vincent and the Grenadines and need some work space for a short period, training for companies, conducting interviews for companies, doing sales, pilot projects- are among the areas added that fall under consultancy. For the past 23 years, PSCS has been operating out of the Coreas Building, Kingstown; its entrance facing Back Street, opposite the Marcole Plaza. The Founder and Managing Director of PSCS also has been upskilling. In 2020, during the Covid-19 lock down, Camille completed a MSc degree in Business Administration.
“ A lot of people use to come to me to go with them to bid on jobs, but I couldn’t bid directly because I didn’t have a Masters. Most of the jobs require a Masters and basically, I didn’t complete a BSc but did a lot of diplomas – which were not counted as a BSc,” she explains. Attaining that qualification puts her in a more advantageous position. Camille is also a Certified Trainer with the TVET programme.
Operating Mantra:
Influenced by her mother’s qualities- generous with time and skills, disciplined, honest, adaptable, integrity- Camille runs her business and her personal life underpinned by these values, and undergirded by a strong faith in God.
“I have grown…from micro-manager to one who now empowers my staff and empowering them to make decisions,” though there are certain things they still have to refer to her. The staff has grown from one to seven permanent members, and three part-time.
It has been a sometimes very difficult journey over the 35 years but “I can tell you, nothing is impossible with God. It has taught me strength, to stay focused, maintain integrity. God has kept me going. I’m grateful to my staff and customers without whom I have no business. We do have a great team”.
Camille says she has begun to live life on a slower lane taking the occasional vacation, employing a hybrid work system, spending much time swimming and communing with her Creator. She is ensuring that there is balance in her life. She expresses gratitude to the late educator, Norma Keizer for introducing the Business Programme at the St Vincent Girls’ High School while serving there as Head Mistress, noting that this greatly influenced her career direction. Every five years, Camille pauses to specially thank her customers. On Wednesday May 1, 2024, to mark the 35th anniversary of PSCS, Camille Crichton held a thanksgiving brunch at La Vue Hotel, Villa, where many of her customers, family, staff, and friends gathered to celebrate with her. She has a bit of advice for persons going into business, especially in the early years: “ You have to dedicate your time to your business 24/7”. And, even as she celebrates 35 years at the helm of a successful small business, Camille is looking at the future- and continuity.
“There is a saying that if a business dies with you, you never had a business, so my business will not die with me.”