Prime Minister calls on Trade Unions to introspect
May 3, 2024

Prime Minister calls on Trade Unions to introspect

St Vincent and the Grenadines observed Labour Day on Wednesday May 1, without fanfare. No major events or celebrations were put on by the workers’ representatives to mark the day.

In the days of vibrancy of the Trade Union Movement, Workers Day was marked by a march and rally that featured speeches and messages of solidarity.

This has drawn a response from Prime Minister, Dr Ralph Gonsalves, who noted that the government can put on Labour Day celebrations in St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG).

“But I don’t want the State to take a lead on that,” Gonsalves said on NBC radio on Wednesday May 1.

The Prime Minister stressed that the state will assist and support such celebrations, but it will not play a leading role.

Reminding that Labour Day is a celebration of our peoples struggles, Gonsalves indicated that “this particular day is of great symbolic importance for the working people” of St Vincent and the Grenadines.

He added that it is the working people who have made this country.

“Even those who have grown in material wealth have come from families which started in humble beginnings.”

Speaking about the contribution of settlers on these islands, and their descendants, Gonsalves noted that “ the struggles of the working people have been very significant in the building of this Vincentian component of our Caribbean civilization.”

He expressed the view that this is why May 1 is set aside for Labour Day celebrations each year.

The Prime Minister made it clear that he regrets the dissonance which exists between the Labour Unions which contributes to the lack of participation for Labour Day activities.

“The workers have to tell their leaders that we must stop that.”

The Prime Minister also called on union leaders to “do a great deal of introspection” as to why some their membership is on the decline, and he expressed hope that the public holiday on Wednesday, was used by labour leaders for reflection and introspection.