SVG has reaped  benefits as CELACs Pro-Tempore Presidency-Diplomat
Ellsworth John - Ambassador of SVG to Cuba
February 23, 2024

SVG has reaped benefits as CELACs Pro-Tempore Presidency-Diplomat

St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), has triumphed in the diplomatic community, in addition to reaping economic and social benefits since its ascension to the Pro-Tempore Presidency (2023-2024) of the Community of Latin America and Caribbean States (CELAC). This conclusion was put forward by Ambassador of SVG to Cuba, Ellsworth John as the country prepares to host the eighth CELAC Summit on March 1, 2024, at the Sandals Resort, Buccament.

Thirty-two Heads of State and Government, accompanied by their respective delegations are expected in SVG for the summit. The event is poised to further solidify this country’s reputation as a diplomatic force, drawing observers from prominent global entities, including the United Nations whose Secretary-General, António Guterres is slated to be in attendance.

During an interview with the Agency for Public Information (API), Ambassador John gave credit to CELAC’s President Pro-Tempore and Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Dr Ralph Gonsalves for his leadership in CARICOM, ALBA, and CELAC, to position the nation as a respected figure on the world stage.

John further cited SVG’s role in facilitating dialogue between Guyana and Venezuela in December 2023, leading to the joint “Argyle Declaration for Dialogue and Peace between Guyana and Venezuela”, ultimately averting the threat of armed conflict.

Ambassador John said the CELAC Summit represents a significant milestone for SVG, showcasing its commitment to diplomacy, collaboration, and global leadership. He said further sees the summit as providing an opportunity for side meetings and collaboration on critical regional issues (API).