Fisherfolk Organisation President anticipating rough year ahead
February 20, 2024

Fisherfolk Organisation President anticipating rough year ahead

President of the National Fisherfolk Organization, Winsbert Harry is predicting a rough year for fishers in St Vincent and the Grenadines at a time when the industry should be moving forward.

Harry was speaking on the New Times programme last Thursday, February 15, 2024, in response to concerns from fishers about not being able to sell their catch directly to Sandals Resort which will be opened here next month.

Speaking on Star Radio earlier this month, Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves had indicated that the new luxury resort would be buying fish and produce from individuals, but would rather be making purchase through Rainforest Seafood at Calliaqua.

“We are in for a rough year if we don’t protect the industry from what is happening,” Harry stated on radio.

He explained that many fisherfolk sell their fish to the Kingstown Fish Market, or to vendors and questioned why was the Kingstown Fish Market not chosen instead of Rainforest.

“The Kingstown Fish Market could have provided fish for Sandals, instead of Rainforest,” Harry commented.

The spokesman for local fishers also explained that they get a good price for their catch when they sell to the Kingstown Fish Market, or to vendors.

And said the situation as outlined by the prime minister, would be a “disadvantage towards the fisherfolks in St Vincent and the Grenadines.”

“With this new idea, I think we the fishers will be left stranded.”

Harry expressed concern that the new price they may be receiving for their fish may not be beneficial to them.

He also raised concern that with the types of boats used, they may not get the best fish suited for the resort.

Harry appealed to fisherfolk to take the matter very seriously.

“We will be losing our fishing space and our fishing grounds because of the types of boats that we are using now.”

Harry called on his colleagues to stand up and speak out for the industry.