February 16, 2024

Activities at Kick ‘em Jenny cease, returns to normal

The National Emergency Management Organisation(NEMO) said it has been informed that the activities at the

Kick ‘em Jenny submarine volcano have ceased and conditions have returned to normal.

According to information received from the Seismic Research Centre (SRC), University of the West

Indies, since Sunday February, 11, 2024 the activities have ceased, and seismic activity at the volcano has returned to normal levels. The alert level at Kick ‘em Jenny remains at YELLOW with an exclusion zone of 1.5 km from the summit of the volcano in effect and which should be strictly observed.

There are currently four seismic stations monitoring Kick ‘em Jenny in the area of Grenada. In 2018, there was a period of high level seismic activity at Kick ‘em-Jenny that was not followed by an eruption. This was followed by another period of high level seismicity during the period April 11, to June 5, 2020, which also did not culminate in eruptive activity. Earthquakes associated with Kick ‘em Jenny volcanic activity are often felt in northern Grenada, the Grenadines and distances up to 400 km from the volcano (Smith and Shepherd 1993).