Vincentians  begin Spanish and Venezuelan culture classes at VICC
January 26, 2024

Vincentians begin Spanish and Venezuelan culture classes at VICC

The Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, through the Venezuelan Institute for Culture and Cooperation (VICC) & Hugo Chávez Frías held an orientation class for the new group of Vincentian students at the start of the January-March 2024 term for Spanish and Venezuelan culture courses.

As the students started the first trimester of academic activities of learning Spanish as a foreign language, the staff from the
Embassy encouraged them to participate in the basic and intermediate level Cuatro Workshop, which is taught by Professor Andreina Bermúdez with the objective of introducing them to Venezuelan culture through music, a release from the Embassy states.

Head of the Venezuelan diplomatic mission in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Francisco Pérez Santana, welcomed the students and emphasized the importance of the VICC for the Bolivarian Government as part of the Bolivarian Cultural Diplomacy of Peace.

“Due to the continuous unilateral and coercive measures of the U.S. Government against the Venezuelan people, we were forced to stop teaching Spanish for a year, due to the difficulty of receiving resources, however, this diplomatic mission following the guidance of the government of President Nicolas Maduro Moros has made an effort to re-launch this quarter the activities related to the teaching of the Spanish language and the Venezuelan culture free of charge to our brothers and sisters from SVG,” the Venezuelan diplomat said.

Andreina Bermúdez Di Lorenzo, Academic coordinator of the Institute,explained to the students the mission and history of the Venezuelan Institutes of Culture and Cooperation in the Caribbean, as well as the importance of the legacy of Commander Hugo Chavez Frias ” for the people of Venezuela for which the Venezuelan Institute bears his name since 2016.”

Bermúdez highlighted the benefits of learning a new language, in addition to inviting the students to participate in the “Cuatro”

workshop (a Venezuelan traditional instrument) and in the various cultural activities promoted from the Embassy and the Institute and thus, strengthen the learning of the Spanish language from a Venezuelan cultural and identity context.