Legislation passed to allow citizenship to 2nd generation Vincentians
Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves (file photo)
September 15, 2023

Legislation passed to allow citizenship to 2nd generation Vincentians

Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves says he does not believe that the amendments to the St Vincent and the Grenadines Citizenship Act will result in a “flood” of persons flocking to live in the country.

On Thursday, September 7, changes to the legislation were passed in the House of Assembly, receiving full support from both sides of the House.

The 2023 St Vincent and the Grenadines Citizenship Act offers citizenship to “second generation” Vincentians – grandchildren born outside the country of someone who was born in St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG).

“The idea that this could be something that is open ended and create a flood of persons coming to live here in SVG, we do not see that as something that is realistic.”

“If we have as is, 2000 to 3000 Vincentians overseas and all those children of those persons entitled at birth to citizenship, they don’t come here. Few of them come. I don’t see a flood, at most it will be a trickle rather than a flood because that has been the experience.”

In order to obtain citizenship under this amendment, the applicant must be of good character, have a grandparent who was a citizen of SVG at the time of birth, and not qualify for registration as a citizen otherwise than according to the amended section.

The applicant is required to submit any number of documents deemed necessary by the Minister including birth, death and marriage certificates as well as passports.

The Prime Minister told members of the House there have been numerous requests made by second generation Vincentians living in the Disapora for the opportunity to apply for citizenship.

“They have been asking can we have the opportunity to apply for citizenship without the onerous provisions of naturalization… in certain circumstances it is five years.”

“For this one, would create the opportunity to make the application to be recognized without the usual time period for naturalization.

I have received many letters from people involved in sports, athletics, football , body building, persons who may wish to represent SVG in sporting gatherings… “

Opposition Leader Dr Godwin Friday in his contribution to the debate said the amendment will be welcomed by most.

“We do need that injection of skills, capital, talent and resources to help our country to continue to

develop … so that it enhances opportunity for others.”