Over 15,000 Giant African Snails found so far in SVG
August 11, 2023

Over 15,000 Giant African Snails found so far in SVG

Since the Giant African Snail was declared a pest here, over 15,000 snails have been caught in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

The snail was declared a pest after snails were caught in Campden Park and Ottley Hall last month.

Speaking on NBC radio on Wednesday, Deputy Prime Minister Montgomery Daniel said the Ministry of Agriculture continues to do good work in controlling the Giant African Snail population.

“Their hunting and baiting methods are doing extremely well,” the deputy prime minister stated.

The deputy prime minister also made a call for our border control to be efficient and effective in keeping pests and diseases out of St Vincent and the Grenadines.

The Minister of Agriculture made the disclosure about the presence of the snails in SVG during a ministerial statement in Parliament in July.