Vinlec’s disconnection drive not tied to Carnival – CEO
A NUMBER OF persons in front of VINLEC’s gate awaiting their chance to enter the compound to pay their electricity bills (Inset) DR VAUGHN LEWIS, the chief executive officer of the St Vincent Electricity Services Ltd, VINLEC
August 4, 2023

Vinlec’s disconnection drive not tied to Carnival – CEO

The chief executive officer of the St Vincent Electricity Services Ltd, VINLEC, has distanced the company’s present arrears collection and disconnection drive from a backlash to persons spending money on recent Carnival activities.

Dr Vaughn Lewis addressed the matter during a call to the ‘Issue at Hand’ programme on WEFM last Sunday, July, 30.

When asked if the current drive is a direct response to persons choosing to spend money on Carnival rather than to pay their utility bills, Lewis said “every individual has to decide what are their priorities.”

He said so while explaining that he is unable to “speculate on persons priorities.” Lewis added that if a person has the capacity to, then that person should meet all his or her obligations.

“It is definitely not a response to carnival activities or any other activities,” Lewis assured.

Commenting on the timing of Vinlec’s present activities, Lewis asked what would be the right timing for it’s arrears collection and disconnection.

“Anytime in the year that you have a drive, there is something that persons can relate it to.”

The Vinlec official recalled a conversation with a business owner whose survey of his employees show that essential bills receive the lowest priority in terms of their spending.

Dr Lewis explained that the collection drive is being spearheaded by Vinlec’s Credit Control Department. He also pointed out that the company’s outstanding debt is growing quite quickly.

This he said “is really impacting the operations at the company. He added that the ongoing drive by Vinlec is “a continuous effort to collect outstanding debt.”

Commenting on the response to the collection of outstanding sums, Dr Lewis said “the public response has been definitely greater than we anticipated, based on the actions that we have taken.”

Last week, Vinlec dealt with a disconnection list of about 600 or 700 domestic and commercial customers.

Dr Lewis said less than 2% of these persons were disconnected, as many bills were settled.

Contrary to the low figures quoted on social media, Dr Lewis said that customers were disconnected for arrears amounting to $500 to $20 or $30 thousand.

This disconnection applies to persons with two or more months arrears on their electricity bills.

“We don’t want public panic, and we don’t want persons to be standing in long lines for very long periods of time, feeling that the big bad wolf is coming to get them,” Dr Lewis assured.