Some parents unhappy with Management at Canouan Government School
Rania Sassine-Fox
July 25, 2023

Some parents unhappy with Management at Canouan Government School

Several parents whose children attend the Canouan Government School (CGS) have expressed concerns about the management of the school and seem to have problems with the principal, Ketty Rhynd.

They have identified among their concerns children being sent home during school hours without informing parents; parents having problems sourcing school work when their children are absent; students being picked on when parents complain; and most recently, teachers refusing to hold a graduation ceremony.

Some parents spoke to SEARCHLIGHT on Monday, however, only two agreed to have their names published- Rania Sassine-Fox and Jeanelle Compton.

Sassine-Fox said she has reached out to the Ministry of Education on several occasions on a range of issues but feels their complaints are not being addressed.

Principal Ketty Rhynd

The mother said she has identified a full list of their complaints and is hoping these can be addressed before the new school term begins.

The complaints were listed in a letter dated May, 31, 2023 and addressed to the chief education officer (CEO), Kay Martin-Jack, and copied to Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves; permanent secretary in the Ministry of Education Myccle Burke; and lawyer Adrian Odle. She related many of the issues to SEARCHLIGHT

Among these is the scaling back of information to parents in a chat group that was created to keep parents abreast with information pertaining to their children; only the lunch menu and information about items the school is selling is currently circulated, she claimed.

“Nothing that is real content…. I am blocked from communicating with my son’s class teacher. The only means is through Mrs. Rhynd,” Sassine-Fox said, while noting that her six year old son seems to have no supervision or guidance at school.

“His English work is in his Math book, Science in Social Studies book, pages skipping and he writing all, every and anywhere,” related the mother who acknowledged having had a verbal confrontation with a teacher of the school for which she later apologised.

“In 2020 when the Pelican School was opened, 99% of the parents registered the Kindergarten kids at the Pelican School and only one parent registered their child at the Canouan Government School. This should say something to the Ministry,” Sassine-Fox said.

Another parent, Jeanelle Compton, told SEARCHLIGHT that on three occasions, her son was sent home to obtain written excuses over a shirt and a pair of socks he was wearing.

She said asking for an excuse is not the problem, but the fact that as a primary school student, he was sent off the school compound on his own.

“I have another son going in and I am not comfortable, but I am watching to see, and if it does not stop, it is going to be confusion with many parents,” she remarked.

“… Something needs to be done.”

Another parent said she has transferred her son to the mainland and he will begin classes as a grade two student in a different school for the next school year while living with his grandparents.

“A lot of parents from grade two, several parents complained to the Ministry [of Education]- I just moved my son.”

“Children education is not a favour … the government is paying you to do a job. I will be homeschooling my child…,” another mother said.

SEARCHLIGHT reached out to the school’s principal but did not receive a comment. Senior education officer responsible for the Canouan Government School, Joycelyn Blake-Browne told SEARCHLIGHT that they are aware of the complaints and officials are working to rectify the issues.

“We are currently working on it and it would be resolved in the shortest possible time,” Blake-Browne indicated.