Giant African snail, a challenge for 2023 road cleaning programme
July 25, 2023

Giant African snail, a challenge for 2023 road cleaning programme

Officials from the Roads Buildings and General Services Authority (BRAGSA), and the Ministry of Agriculture are to have a very important meeting ahead of a $3 million road cleaning programme here next month.

Speaking on NBC radio on Wednesday, July 19, Deputy Prime Minister Montgomery Daniel, explained that the meeting will be held between the two parties in an effort to contain the spread of the Giant African snail.

The population of the snail in St Vincent and the Grenadines has so far been contained in the constituencies of West Kingstown and South Leeward.

Minister Daniel said so far, 1200 snails have been caught and disposed of.

He said that the road cleaning which is scheduled to begin on August 2, has some challenges this time around because of the presence of the snails.

The challenges are in the two constituencies where snails have been found.

He said during the cleaning “we do not want to have the spread of this pest all across St Vincent and the Grenadines.”

Minister Daniel appealed to the people who would be working to avoid touching the snails because the shells are poisonous.

The Minister said the meeting between BRAGSA and the Ministry of Agriculture will come up with solutions on how to go about cleaning without furthering the spread of the giant African snail.

Minister of Agriculture, Saboto Caesar has recently declared the snail a pest in St Vincent and the Grenadines, and a threat to the country’s agriculture sector.

The road cleaning will be for a period of eight days .