The JAZZ@SUNSET magic continues
Jazz Tropical Project's inaugural JAZZ@SUNSET event at Basil at Villa on May 7 2023.
July 14, 2023

The JAZZ@SUNSET magic continues

A review by Maralyn Ballantyne

As the Jazz Tropical Project team prepares for JAZZ@SUNSET on Sunday, July 16, an invitation is being extended to everyone: come to Basil at Villa, pay at the door, be part of the vibrant musical entertainment scene in St.Vincent.

Now, read about how JTP rocks!

“We all had a good time”, chuckled an attendee upon exiting Basil at Villa, having soaked in the five full hours of sweet vibes unleashed by Jazz Tropical Project JTP, in the Father’s Day Edition of JAZZ @SUNSET.

Someone shouted, “When is the next JTP show … ah coming!” Music lovers are asking for more, and the JTP fan club is rapidly expanding.

Clearly, a newspaper review cannot do justice to such an event; after all, it is like reading about being in love, which does not come close to personally experiencing its impact.

But documenting such a sumptuous celebration of love is worth the effort, if only because it may pull new fans and sponsors. Passionate JTP musicians are determined to extend their tentacles!

The evening of sheer ecstasy opened with a roaring mass of energy, yielding vivid joy, as Louis and Jan, the talented British pair who adopted Bequia as home many moons ago belted out popular Rock and Roll tunes to an appreciative crowd of music devotees from all age groups and all walks of life. Louis at keyboard, Jan on sax, both used their instruments way beyond what they were designed for, but comfortably mastering their art. Such mesmerizing stage presence challenged the crowd to adopt new perspectives on a seaside visit in blessed Yurumein.

Then JTP manager par excellence, Dexter Rose, summoned veteran Vincy singer Cauldric Forbes the ‘Wonder Boy’. Dexter is nothing short of a magician … how he meticulously puts together this show and attracted sponsorship in the face of grief, loss, unfavourable personal circumstances, overseas travel at short notice, missed rehearsals and everything else that triggered, is beyond amazing. Therein lies a message for the young ones upcoming- courage, discipline, stamina, positive attitude, attention to detail.

Cauldric is just as velvety as he was alongside my friend, Kerwyn Morris, in the days of the famous Latinaires; his diction crystal clear and magical. He has not lost verve, passion nor drive! Let me try again he pleaded and it resonated; Cauldric had “found someone of his own”. Nostalgia personified.

Following vocal excellence, in equal measure came Starlift pan playing genius Kingsley “Hero” Roberts, with a totally improvised set accompanied by JTP, a pleasant reminder that Vincyland may well be ready to introduce Pan Jazz as Trinidad did way back when, succeeding in lining up the creme de la crème of the international Jazz arena. Trinidad Pan Jazz is where I reconnected with Stan Getz who brought me great joy in my days of escapades Bahamian with Genie

McWeeney, now Lady Nuttall, my university housemate, and the handsome Sean Connery of blessed memory; Dizzy Gillespie my New Orleans muse; outstanding Cuban saxophonist Arturo Sandoval; and none other but the late Ronnie Scott, who graciously introduced me to his Jazz Club and the London Jazz scene. Not to forget that Basil Charles and former Jazz club owner, Ken Boyea, brought various

Jazz icons here over the years, including Wynton Marsalis.

From the moment the pan echoed, vibrations radiated, Vincies and Cubans alike took to the dance floor…thunder, feverish mayhem fo so! Dem jus brek way and wine down!

As a most welcomed, cool Villa sea breezes gathered momentum, so too did JTP, cutting it with Bob Marley’s Three little birds: Every Little Thing Will Be Alright and so it was indeed, because there was charming Azariah Gibson in full form, pouring

the sweet love and dazzling fans. When it was time for ‘Breakfast In Bed’ from Cauldric, the regionalism ideals in me caused me to again drift into the Trini scene…. the Parang song ‘Anita’ “ah doh want no ham an egg… me all da I can tink of….ah want meh breakfast in me bed”

The thrills continued as Azariah transformed into a live Tina Turner, all because love has everything to do with everything.

To top it off, JTP’s Juan Carlos Cepeda sparkled with a special own composition as a Father’s Day tribute; it was well received. All Daddy’s girls were transported to the former times when their dads sat on the throne and made them the center of attraction!

JTP music creates an uplifting aura, feelings of both flux and fixity, surprise, and inevitability and it moves like the wave, always returning and we with it, participate in its flow.

As the JTP musicians wrapped up on June 18th, 2023, it was clear that the second JAZZ @ SUNSET had engraved a remarkable impression on the audience.

Congratulations, JTP!

Thanks to sponsors for sticking with this amazing project of Tropical Jazz. We are meeting again for an after Carnival cool down! JAZZ@SUNSET Sunday, July 16, Basil at Villa is a must.