June 23, 2023

Lorelei wins Public Speaking title as Canouan Government School marks Literacy Week

Lorelei George emerged ahead of the competition to be the overall winner in a public speaking competition organised by the Canouan Government School as it celebrated Literacy Week.

A teacher at the school said the competition was the final activity in the week of activities that began on May 30 and ran into early June.

Four students- Tione Small, Lorelei George, Jayden Davis and Meike Deroche took part in the public speaking competition and spoke on the topic: ‘Should parents be blamed for Juvenile Delinquency?’

Each student was required to present two speeches- a prepared speech which did not exceed 10 minutes, and an impromptu in which they were given one minute to consider the topic, and no more than two minutes to make their presentation. Topics for the impromptu segment included Regatta, Peer pressure, Tik Tok and Facebook. The final analysis saw Jayden Davis, the lone male, winning the best prepared speech. The best impromptu speech was won by Tione Small who spoke on the topic ‘Peer pressure’ and Lorelei George emerged the overall winner.

Each participant received a certificate of participation, and trophies were awarded for the best prepared speech, the best impromptu speech and the overall winner.

The school’s Literacy Week was held under the theme ‘Transforming the mind, one book at a time’ with the main goal being to raise awareness about the value of reading and writing. As well, it was intended to instil a love of reading in the students, make reading a habit, and assist the students develop their reading abilities, critical thinking skills, and other skills such as writing, vocabulary, and spelling by making reading engaging and enjoyable.

The activities commenced with a book character/career day, where students depicted in dress, their favourite book character.

They portrayed that character and read part of their book to the class. In addition, a number of students went out into the community to read to the elderly; and later that evening there was a movie night for both parents and students.

The activities also included a reading relay, literacy classroom discussions, Spelling Bee competition, as well as a literacy fair and writing day. The activities culminated with the most anticipated events which included ‘Anything but a book bag’, where students used their creativity to design/construct book bags using recycled materials in their environment. The school’s Literacy Week was deemed a success.