OECS Council of Ministers:  Education agree on policy  framework to protect children online
Ministers of Education of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and other officials meeting in Antigua and Barbuda
May 23, 2023

OECS Council of Ministers: Education agree on policy framework to protect children online

Ministers of Education of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and other officials meeting in Antigua and Barbuda earlier this month have agreed to a policy framework for the protection of children online. This was one of several key decisions taken at the May 19-20 meeting of the Council of Ministers: Education, and announced at a press briefing at its conclusion.

A release from the OECS states that the Council:

• Supported the adoption of the OECS Child Online Protection Policy and Strategic Framework document and the strengthening of advocacy around it.

• Endorsed the OECS Digital Learning Ecosystem.

• Endorsed the commitments on the policy paper on Curriculum and Assessment.

• Agreed to engage the youth more meaningfully as active contributors in the decision-making process and agreed that part of the national delegation of the annual meeting would include a youth representative.

• Suggested the strengthening of coordination of initiatives in the area of TVET and agreed to deepen cooperation with the EU Delegation in Barbados.

• Agreed to mobilize resources from the Global Partnership of Education (GPE) to support implementation of the national and regional education strategies.

The meeting was held under the theme “Touching Lives through Data-Driven Development” via a hybrid approach of in-person and remote attendees.

In attendance were Ministers of Education, permanent secretaries and directors from ministries of education, as well as education and development partners.

Announcing the outcomes of the two-day meeting, Minister of Education of Antigua and Barbuda, Daryll Matthew said “We had a tremendously robust exchange of thoughts and ideas. We had excellent dialogue and we addressed some key and critical issues that we believe affect our sub-region in the OECS.”

Delivering remarks at the opening ceremony, director general of the OECS, Dr Didacus Jules, said “The OECS Ministers of Education have returned to the age-old question from Socrates and Dewey of ‘What is the purpose of education’? and have responded with a contemporary assertion: The transformation of education to serve as a primary instrument for revitalising Caribbean civilisation. This is expressed in our OECS Declaration on Education promulgated last year.”

He added, “This declaration makes a definitive statement on the purpose of education in the OECS, the actions that are required to address current threats but also make education relevant for the future and how it can be realized, which is ultimately through data-driven education reform”.

Effective learning and student performance were areas of focus in the Curriculum and Assessment meeting segment. Working groups were established by the OECS Commission before the meeting and presentations were made on New Strategies/Approaches to Student Assessment, Teaching and Learning in the OECS; and the New OECS Harmonized Primary Curriculum.

As part of the OECS’ continued prioritization of youth engagement, students from all levels were invited to contribute to the meeting. There was also a youth-led panel discussion entitled: Youth Speaks which highlighted the views of the youth on issues in dialogue, education, data, governance and development.

Delegates visited the Early Childhood Development Unit (ECDU) and the Harrison Centre Antigua and Barbuda Institute of Continuing Education (ABICE) to observe best practices in these areas and consider potential solutions to shared regional challenges.

The release explains that the meeting is typically a two-day face-to-face event that allows for engaging and intense discussions, with participation from Development Partners and other stakeholders.