Former Park Hill Government School teachers return to observe Education Day
Staff and students at the Park Hill Government School observed international Education Day last Tuesday, January 24 in a very memorable way.
The day was celebrated under the theme “To invest in people, prioritize education.”
Activities around this theme were held at the school from Tuesday, January 24, to Friday, January 27.
Some of the students of the Park Hill Government School sporting their T-Shirts and hats, made by them
The highlight of the celebration was on Tuesday, when retired and past teachers were invited back to the school to interact with the current staff and students.
These former teachers were also given the opportunity to teach a lesson to the various classes.
The educators who returned to the school last Tuesday are: Maria Burke, Eulin Brewster, Vanessa Alvis, Donovan Da Souza, Chesley Samuel and Fitzallan ‘Rush’ Peters, now a lecturer at the SVG Community College.
Principal at the Park Hill Government School, Elizabeth Johnson told SEARCHLIGHT that their theme song for the celebration was “Education” by the Mighty Sparrow.
Johnson said when the past teachers were at the school on Tuesday, they were allowed to teach for one period after break.
Asked how the students responded to this initiative Johnson recalled that “It was well received, it was also emotional.”
Apart from the activity with the past teachers, Johnson said on that day, the students also attended school wearing their creative hats.
She told SEARCHLIGHT on Monday, January 30, that the hats all had writings that students could read, and parents and teachers assisted with the creating these hats.
The principal explained that the hats depicted various educational themes.
On Tuesday, the students also wore t-shirts with messages written on them.
Wednesday and Thursday saw a number of in-house activities.
Johnson said the teachers used their own initiative on how to interact in creative ways with their students on these two days.
Activities came to an end on Friday January 27 with a grand book fair.
The principal said the aim of the celebration was to show children the importance of education, and how money is being invested in them.
She recalled that they highlighted to the students that they have to learn today, in order to earn tomorrow.
Speaking about the participation for International education Day, the principal said she is very happy and the entire staff is elated.
“The past teachers, they were so well received…they gave us some input on ways we can improve and they asked us to invite them back for another session.”
Staff and students at the Park Hill Government School are all now more motivated to make education a priority.
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