St Mary’s RC School celebrates 101 years of education (+ video)
SOME OF THE students of the St. Mary’s Roman Catholic School with their teacher
January 20, 2023

St Mary’s RC School celebrates 101 years of education (+ video)

Students and teachers of the St. Mary’s Roman Catholic School praised principal, Eula John for her dedication as the school marks 101 years of existence.

The anniversary is being celebrated under the theme, “Honouring our past, building our future, our school, our nation, our legacy.”

Teachers, students, and the principal this week spoke to SEARCHLIGHT of this commemorative milestone and their experiences being at the school. “We as children are proud to reach the 101st anniversary. Our principal Miss Johnny, she is very industrious, she takes her work seriously, she does it quickly, she does her work very organized…she is a very nice principal,” said student, Jerria Richardson.


Another student, Shanon Ralph added that the teachers and the principal treat the students like brothers and sisters. She continued. “…I just want to thank them for being hard on us because if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t have gotten this far…This school is probably the best experience I ever had in my life, and what I love about Miss Johnny is that she is very open.We can talk to her about anything; she is also a diligent, hard-working and a nice person.”

Guidance Counsellor, Luvene John-Liverpool also spoke of the joys of working at the school.

“I enjoy seeing improved behaviour especially, and also academic achievements… it’s a joy for me working at the school, and I also feel good knowing that I’m doing guidance counselling where children can come and be free to express how they feel and to deal with certain issues that seem to be affecting them, that is what gives me most joy and especially when you know, you can actually meet them at the point of their need…working with Miss Johnny is a very good experience for me. She has the school at the very core of her being. I can know that because she would be here very early, leave very late, and she ensures that the teachers are on par with the curriculum and stuff like that…”

“One thing I love about my school is that our teachers, and our beloved principal, Miss Johnny empowers us to do better, to work hard, to always believe in your dreams…” said student, Kayla Hooper.

Another student, Keython Gaymes said, “What I really like about this school is mostly the teachers because they know how to settle down children and they can be pretty fun sometimes, so it’s very nice to have most of the teachers around and our beloved principal, Miss Eula Johnny…”

Shari Rouse, a teacher, also said she has had a good experience.

“[It] has been bit of a deja vu for me, seeing that I went to St.Mary’s…so coming to see these kids in my space has been a very good experience for me and to teach these children what they need to know.

“…they’re very curious, very interactive, they’re very knowledgeable and they push you to be the best that you can be.”

The principal, also shared her satisfaction working at the hundred year old institution.

THE BUILDING which houses the St Mary’s Roman Catholic School

“…The job is rewarding despite the challenges so I just want to thank all of those who have been very supportive and who have been encouraging all the way. “Continue the encouragement, continue the support and continue to pray, because at the end of the day, we are training children for life and we want to ensure that when they leave us, they are on a good footing, and they impact the society in the best possibly way.”

The school will host a series of events beginning on Saturday, January 21, 2023. There will be the anniversary Thanksgiving Mass at the Cathedral of the Assumption on 9:30 a.m.

Other activities scheduled to take place this year include: St Mary’s Loves You. Feed the Homeless at the Soup Kitchen on February ,12. Parent/Teacher Challenge in March; and a community outreach project in April.

The school will also be locating and presenting tokens to the oldest living past students and teachers of St Mary’s RC School, and will be distributing gift baskets to elderly persons in the school’s community.

A 101st anniversary fair will be held in June, and the anniversary events will culminate with the release of a commemorative magazine in December, 2023.

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