December 6, 2022

Coast Guard Officer graduates from top Maritime University

CHIEF PETTY OFFICER (CPO), with the St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) Coast Guard Service, Gordon Charles is now the holder of a Master’s of Science Degree in Maritime Affairs, specialising in Maritime Education and Training from the World Maritime University based in Sweden.

CPO Charles graduated on October 31 with a grade point average (GPA) above 3.0. This outstanding achievement demonstrates Charles’ commitment and resilience through hard work and sacrifice, a release from the police Public Relations and Complaints Department states.

Charles was awarded a scholarship funded by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Korea on the recommendation of the SVG Maritime Administration to undertake the masters programme. He left SVG on September 19, 2021, for Sweden and successfully completed his degree in 14 months.

He is the first Vincentian to pursue studies in this field of Maritime Education and Training.

“I have gained extensive knowledge about maritime education and training on various levels across a broad spectrum.The programme included all facets of maritime, such as Law, Administration, and Education, and was designed for those who work in the maritime business, including stakeholders, educators, and seafarers”, said Charles.

CPO Charles said he is eager to advance the cause of the IMO by raising maritime education awareness in SVG.

“I intend to lecture in maritime affairs at various institutions once the opportunity arises.” Charles who has more than 25 years of service as a Coast Guard Officer intends to pursue a Doctorate in Maritime Affairs in the future.