Our Lady of Guadalupe Home for Girls receives financial assistance
Dr Miriam Sheridan (left) accepts cheque on behalf of ‘Our Lady of Guadalupe Home For Girls’ from Camille Crichton, Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
December 2, 2022

Our Lady of Guadalupe Home for Girls receives financial assistance

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on Monday, November 28 handed over a cheque in the sum of EU 8,000 to Our Lady of Guadalupe Home for Girls.

Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Home, Dr Miriam Sheridan who received the cheque on behalf of the institution, expressed her gratitude to the embassy and shared that the money will go towards helping the girls in developing their skills.

“A lot of this will help with the skills training in terms of…computer skills and also getting them assessed and helped with their psychological problems…we’re hoping that they go from strength to strength.”

The cheque was presented by Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Camille Crichton who said that the embassy responded to a request for a grant from Our Lady of Guadalupe Home for Girls.

This fulfilled the Embassy’s objectives to continue transforming the lives of suffering and abused young ladies by providing them with safe housing, a nurturing environment, and skills training.

“As part of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands’ funding of small projects to non-profit organizations, it aims at strengthening and implementing projects in priority areas such as equal rights for women focused on economic empowerment and prevention of violence against women.

“The Embassy hopes these young adults will acquire the necessary skills, disciplines and academic qualifications to empower them to raise their standard of living,”Crichton said at the ceremony which was held at the offices of Professional Secretarial and Consultancy Services.

The Honorary Consul said that in 2017, the Kingdom of the Netherlands launched its ‘Leading From the South’ funding facility for women’s organisations in the Global South, including St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG

This facility supports Southern women’s organisations and networks striving for women’s political, social and economic empowerment. This funding programme is active in Africa, the Middle East, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Caribbean. The ‘Leading From the South’ facility invests in well-established women’s managed non-governmental organisation (NGOs) in these regions.

Crichton further said that in January of this year as part of the ‘Leading From the South’ funding facility for women’s organisations, the Embassy granted Women in Agriculture for Rural Development – (WARD) 10,000.00 Euros to enhance the socio- economic, physical, emotional and mental well-being of rural women and girls through farming.

She also paid tribute to the deceased Sr Patricia-ann Douglas, former principal of the St Joseph Convent, Marriaqua.

“I must take this opportunity to personally thank our dear deceased Sr Pat Douglas of blessed memory for her dream to build this home, which has come to fruition. I am sure Sister Pat is one of the guiding angels of this facility”.

In final remarks Crichton wished Dr Sheridan and her team well as they continue to carry on their gigantic task.

“The embassy hopes these young adults will acquire the necessary skills, disciplines and academic qualifications, to empower them to raise their standard of living.”

Also present at the ceremony were representatives of the Ministry of Education, Joseph Greene and Timothy Scott.