Vinsave wraps up six week Summer programme
Children who participated in the VINSAVE Summer Programme decked out in their tie-dye t-shirts, display some of their work
August 26, 2022

Vinsave wraps up six week Summer programme

Vinsave wrapped up its 2022 Summer programme last week Friday, August 19 with a colourful performance in which participants proudly wore tie-dyed tee-shirts they had done themselves.


Some of the work done by the children at the VINSAVE Summer Programme

During the programme’s six week duration, participants aged 4-14, were exposed to varied activities that gave life to the theme, “Children are very special beings—like flowers they grow and flourish with Care”.

The child care and development organisation said in a release that attendees were exposed to both practical and theoretical sessions which focused on such areas as taking care of self and the environment; values and etiquette; adolescence development; and gardening.

Some of the practical sessions included making smoothies, sandwiches, juices, cooking outdoors, tie-dying and producing craft from paper fabric and plastic containers. In addition to learning new skills, Vinsave said many new friendships were formed.

Denniston Parris accompanied the youngsters as they performed in songs, rhymes and dance at the close of the programme.

Certificates and gifts were also given to the children.

In addition to the Vinsave staff, Community College students Kelsa Bartholomew and Kerricia Thomas, provided voluntary service to ensure the success of the programme.