Former Georgetown resident gives back in a big way
PASTOR MC Burnett makes presentation to Idinger Miller Walker, Deputy Hospital Admistrator. In background Neeka Anderson Isaacs Health Promotions Officer
June 10, 2022

Former Georgetown resident gives back in a big way

A FORMER resident of Georgetown has given back to his community in a big way, by donating a large quantity of medical supplies to the Georgetown Smart Hospital and the Modern Medical and Diagnostic Centre.

The donation was handed over to deputy hospital administrator, Idinger Miller- Walker by Pastor Robert Mc Barnett who heads the US based, St Matthias Charities Inc.

The presentation took place on Tuesday June 7, at the lecture room at the Modern Medical and Diagnostic Centre at Georgetown and chaired by health promotions officer in the Ministry of Health, Neeka Anderson-Isaacs.

Anderson-Isaacs said St Matthias continues to be, “partners and key supporters to the Ministry of Health.”

She noted that over the years, St Matthias has been making donations to the Stubbs polyclinic, enabling that health institution to provide optimal care to the communities it serves.

Pastor Mc Barnett’s wife, Sharon Grant Mc Barnett is originally from Stubbs, while he is originally from Dickson Village in Georgetown.

Speaking at the hand over on Tuesday, Pastor Mc Barnett said he grew up in Dickson “and Georgetown is very dear to my heart.”

This is not the first time that St Matthias is donating to the health facility in Georgetown.

Pastor Mc Barnett recalled that when the Modern Medical and Diagnostic Centre was opened, they donated a dental chair to that facility and an EKG machine to the Georgetown Hospital.

“We also work with other hospitals and communities in this country; from 2012 to now, St Matthias Charities Inc has been working,” the former Dickson resident said.

Pastor Mc Barnett said he returned home last June and visited the Georgetown Hospital to find out some of its needs.

“So this mission was specifically geared towards Georgetown, ” he stressed.

“We all know the importance of this hospital and the community that this hospital serves.”

The pastor said from 2012 to now, St Matthias has brought in about 14 forty feet containers to be donated across the country.

The Vincentian national also disclosed that St Matthias also does charitable work in Grenada, Haiti, Guyana and Nigeria, “but we always make sure that we take care of St Vincent and the Grenadines.”

The trip was planned as a simple vacation to celebrate with their daughter Ria, who recently obtained her Master of Science degree in Nursing.

But it turned out to be another journey on the mission field for the pastor who fellowships at the St Jude Baptist Church in NewYork.

“The love for this community in me couldn’t allow me, so I started, and then, it turned into a full blown mission,” Mc Barnett shared.

He said when his wife, Sharon realized what was happening, he had to tell her, “love of country, love of community, I have a weakness, please forgive me.”

He pointed out that the donation is just a “token of what we want to do for this community.”

The pastor also promised to forge a closer relationship with the Modern Medical and Diagnostic Centre and said there will be more donations.

Meanwhile, Anderson- Isaacs urged the recipients to use and treat the donations with care, as they were given out of a heart of love. In accepting the donations, the deputy hospital administrator expressed gratitude on behalf of the Modern Medical Center and the Georgetown Smart Hospital.

She noted that this was her first interaction with the St Matthias Charities Inc., but she is able to see their generosity and love for people.

Miller-Walker expressed much gratitude, especially for the endo-tracheal tubes, for which the hospital was in dire need.

“We are always grateful for donations, we are always grateful for families like the Mc Barnett’s,” she said.

Other items donated included: wheelchairs, canes, crutches, diapers, PPE bodysuits,and masks.